Index by Title of General Reviews, and Articles of Advice:
- Accessory Cases: Suggestions by Company Seven article explaining why accessory carrying cases are an important aid to organizing the numerous pieces and parts that will be associated with a telescope. Includes a discussion with illustrations of cases we do recommend, and some dont's too.
Alpha Ionization Innovative Solutions for Static Control. This is the complete three page illustrated document provided as an Adobe .pdf file (170,806 bytes). Publication content copyright 2004 by NRD.
"At Home In a Dome" Sixty page booklet about Home Observatory Design and Construction, by Technical Innovations (436k, in Acrobat Reader ".pdf" format).
- "Advice for Anyone Seeking to Buy A Telescope: How To Choose Your Telescope" Please Read This Before Shopping for A Telescope This illustrated article is a most informative and frank discussion about selecting an astronomical telescope from among those commonly available to the consumer. We explain the different types of telescope optical tubes and mounts, how to choose them, and information about how they are marketed. Revised December 2010.
- "Astro Kit Camera Drive" article describing this compact "poncet" style tracking platform. These were sold as kits in the 1980's as a tracking platform for wide sky astrophotography, the unit illustrated is now in the collection of Company Seven.
- "Astro-Physics and other Apochromat Telescopes" Advice regarding the selecting of 4" to 7" aperture Apo telescopes.
- Astronomy Associations, Clubs, and Societies in the Baltimore-Washington Region Company Seven has helped to build and supports several of the better organized astronomy organizations that help promoted the science and hobby aspects of the field. Most of these groups make opportunities available for amateurs to learn about the hobby through discussions at meetings, opportunities for the public to come out and look through telescopes ('Star Party' or 'Star Watch' events) at safe locations, and more. Here we list organizations in the mid-Atlantic nearby Company Seven, if you are farther out of this region then contact us or search the Internet to learn about organizations in your area.
- Binocular Care And Service Interval Advice: Suggestions by Company Seven An illustrated overview discussing the mechanisms that compromise the performance or longevity of binoculars. We provide some tips about preventive maintenance, identifying problems, and what to do when your binocular is damage or in need of servicing.
- "CCD Camera Technology: A Brief Discussion" by S.B.I.G.
Celestron Celestron® 5 Celestron® 8 Instruction Manual From Company Seven's Archives. Complete illustrated instruction manual as provided in May 1975 (and possibly distributed earlier) for the use, maintenance, and typical accessories for the original Celestron 8 and 5 fork mounted telescopes. Overview by the originator of the commercial Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes introduced in 1970, as were marketed into the 1980's. Publication content by Celestron Pacific, high resolution production by Company Seven, All Rights Reserved. (50.1MB in Acrobat Reader ".pdf" format).
Celestron Telescope Accessory Catalog Complete 1998 accessory catalog. A good overview about the types of accessories commonly desireable for use with most telescopes even though Company Seven does not recommend some items described herein, or may offer improved third party accessories. By Celestron International (1.4MB, in Acrobat Reader ".pdf" format).
Celestron C-8 Telescope Complete instruction manual for the modern Celestar 8 and the Celestar 8 Deluxe telescopes. A very good overview about the use of 8 inch Schmidt-Cassegrain fork equatorial telescopes, by Celestron International (1.4MB, in Acrobat Reader ".pdf" format).
Celestron NexStar 8 Telescope Complete instruction manual for the NexStar 8 telescope. A good overview about the use of Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain third generation computer controlled telescopes and the NexStar OS by Celestron International, (4,350,856 bytes in Acrobat Reader ".pdf" format).
Celestron Ultima 2000 Telescope Complete instruction manual for the Ultima 2000 telescope. A good overview about the use of Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain computer second generation controlled telescopes and the Ultima OS. By Celestron International, (4,350,856 bytes in Acrobat Reader ".pdf" format).
- Cleaning Telescopes And Most Consumer Optics a short illustrated "how to" about how to clean lenses and mirrors including a decision tree "flow-chart", with discussion of particle removing techniques, brushes, and solvents.
- Company Seven a brief early history of the company and with discussions about philosophy of the company. Also includes an overview of how the industry was changing, and what was possible as the Internet was just becoming available to the public when this was written. This is taken from an interview with the benevolent dictator at the helm of Company Seven in 1996. Includes a photo of one of our early gatherings, and in April 2018 we added photos of our original store at 930 Fairlawn Avenue; in time we may add more photos.
- Company Seven Modified Pentax 6x7cm Camera Operation Instructions for use.
- "Buying A Computer Controlled Telescope?" An article promoting the understanding of "Computer Controlled" telescopes including closed loop varieties with encoders and digital setting circles, and the more automated "Go To" telescope systems. The advice is geared for those considering the purchase of "Computer Controlled" telescope by explaining features and how these are marketed. Also includes information about their pros and cons.
- Criterion RV-6 Dynascope: these introduced many of us to visual astronomy In January 2008 Company Seven acquired a used Criterion RV-6 Dynascope for our Museum Collection. This is a 6 inch f/8 equatorial reflecting telescope originally sold new in December 1962 and yet this one remains uncommonly complete and original with original sales invoice and some documentation. Our article describes this RV-6 acquired by Company Seven, the production RV-6 models as they were changed over the decades, some history of the Criterion Manufacturing Co. who made this telescope, and insights into the evolution and marketing of these types of instruments from the 1950's through the peak of the space program, and into the 1980's.
- Criterion RV-6 Dynascope Restoration Gallery When in January 2008 Company Seven acquired a used Criterion RV-6 Dynascope for our Museum Collection (see the article listed above) we deliberated about whether or not to disassemble, clean, strip, refinish the instrument to restore its appearance more to like new. When we learned about a collection of images taken by Mr. Tom McDonough who did this to his RV-6, we asked if he would permit Company Seven to create an article around his efforts and he was kind enough to give us permission to use his images in this article.
- The Determination of Proper Observatory Dome Size by Technical Innovations.
- "Distinctive Features" Extract from the Questar booklet of mid 1950's; appeared as advertisement in January 1956.
Equatorial Mount Set Up. Pages 11 through 15 of the illustrated instruction manual provided with the Great Polaris GP and Great Polaris GPDX German equatorial mounts. This explains the Polar Alignment of the these mounts, how to use the optional Vixen Pole Alignment Finderscope, and how to read and use the setting circles. Copyright Vixen Co., Ltd, from Company Seven's Library. Five pages. Download size is 2,917,348 bytes (in Acrobat Reader ".pdf" format).
- "Experiencing Nova Scotia And Its Amazing Tides" by Martin Cohen for Company Seven's Archives. An overview of how tides form, and an overview of the author's travels through Nova Scotia's Bay of Fundy and Minas Basin, then on to Halifax in June 2004. Well written and illustrated with some amazing photos.
- Formulae and Guidelines Pertaining to Astronomical Telescopes, and Accessories
- Geochron: On Time Anytime Magazine article is an overview of the Geochron World Time Indicator, with a good discussion of the company and its history.
From "Robb Report" December 1988, used by permission.
- Geochron: Principles of the Sun Earth Relationship As Demonstrated by Geochron Good illustrated discussion of the Analemma, and Equation of Time, and how they and other aspects of the relationship are presented by Geochron.
“Glass For Optical Instruments With Especial Reference To Telescope Objectives” by J. A. Brashear, published in the 1893 journal Popular Astronomy, Volume 1, pp. 221-224. Interesting four page text article explaining some of the glass types used to make refracting telescopes of this era. These were developed and made by famous names in the history of optics, among them: Joseph Ritter von Fraunhofer, Pierre Louis Guinand, Carl Zeiss, Alvan Clark. Content hosted by https://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu, and also hosted here by Company Seven as an Adobe 'pdf' file (447,008 bytes) as this is referred to elsewhere at company7.com.
- "Good Morning Jupiter" Article about using an Astro-Physics 155mm EDF Apochromat refractor telescope to observe Jupiter, by Richard Orr
"Hasselblad UV-Sonnar f4.3/105 mm" the complete ten (10) page brochure describing the Hasselblad UV-Sonnar made by Carl Zeiss providing an insightful illustrated overview of applications for this specialized lens focused on ultraviolet photography. These techniques shown are as applied to forensics, law enforcement, artworks studies, medical, and other applications. Content scanned, from original in our archives, in moderate 200 dpi resolution and provided by Company Seven as an Adobe 'pdf' file (27,163,363 bytes).
- "How to Tell Whether You Need A Questar" Questar advertisement from 1956 (and mid 1950's); very much applicable today.
- "In Search of Valles Marineris" Experience using 8mm TeleVue Radian eyepiece with the Astro-Physics 155mm EDF Apochromat refractor telescopes to finding Valles Marineris (largest canyon complex in the solar system) on Mars, by Richard Orr.
- Insurance for Telescopes, Accessories and Observatories Article explaining the various insurance vehicles available to the consumer, advice on traveling and transporting telescopes, and advice about when and how to file a claim. This article includes a glossary of insurance terms. Incidentally, we have never before seen an article on this subject researched and published elsewhere.
- "JMI NGC-MAX Telescope Computer Operation; A Real Life Introduction" By Joe Morris for Company Seven (In text format)
"JMI NGC-MAX Telescope Computer Operation: A Real Life Introduction" By Joe Morris for Company Seven (in Acrobat Reader ".pdf" format)
- "Maxim DL/CCD Software" a review by David Hannon for Sky Publishing of "Maxim DL/CCD (version 1.6) published in July 1999
"Observatory Wiring & Utilities Guidelines" by Company Seven, Revision 9 July 2010. Complete eighteen (18) page color illustrated addendum to the factory instruction manuals for building dome or roll off roof style observatories sold by Company Seven. This contains recommendations for providing AC and DC power, signal wiring and conduit, lighting, backup power, lightning protection, security, maintenance. This is ideal information for electrical contractors detailing recommended arrangements, suggested components, and explanation of how to wire, install and secure components and condiuts. By Company Seven for use by our customers only, available by request, all rights reserved (2,639,050 bytes in Acrobat Reader ".pdf" format).
- Observing Report: Planet Mars, 12 Aug 2003 Observing report of Mars approaching Opposition of 2003 as observed through the author's Astro-Physics 155mm EDF f7 Apochromat and 60mm f15 Achromatic refracting telescopes. Disscussion is helpful at pointing out the benefits of using color and specialized filters including the new TeleVue "Bandmate Mars A" and "Bandmate Mars B" filters. By Richard Orr.
- "Optical Techniques: A Brief History of A Brief Company" From Company Seven's Archives and Museum Collection. About the company, and a Quantum 6 telescope on display at Company Seven
- Orthogonality Correction Description of simple technique to measure and correct for any orthogonality error of German Equatorial Mount and Telescope. By John Menke, Technical Innovations.
- Parfocalizing an Ocular for use with a CCD Camera
- "The Perfect Telescope is...a small apochromatic refractor" A letter to the editor published some years ago in the "Amateur Telescope Making Journal" issue #10. The original letter is accompanied by a sketch showing an original TeleVue "Genesis" 4" refractor (introduced 1988) on a simple Panoramic head with wood wood tripod. The letter relates the authors long experience in the hobby, and his appreciation of a simple but capable telescope. Author Beat Kuechler was then 73 years old, living in New Jersey.
- Photography Using the Questar Telescope (and other telescopes or ultra telephoto lenses)
- "Prima Nocta"Letter from the Buyer of a new Questar 3-1/2 Astronomical Telescope
"Questar Booklet" From Company Seven's Archives. High Resolution reprint of original Questar 35 page illustrated catalog, operating guide, with price list dated November 1960 (in Acrobat Reader ".pdf" format).
"Questar Booklet" From Company Seven's Archives. Moderate resolution reprint of original Questar 35 page illustrated catalog, operating guide, and price list dated November 1960. File size is 9,347,098 Bytes; typically a 20-40 minute download. (8.9 MB, in Acrobat Reader ".pdf" format).
- "Questar Optical System" Extract: page 16 from the Questar catalog of November 1960 showing light path through the optical components.
- "Questar Seven S/N P-7-378-DP: A Restoration Mini-Epic!" From Company Seven's Museum Collection. Story about a Questar 7 telescope with Fork Mount on display in our museum.
- "Questar Seven Declination Vernier Manual Drive" Article describing an original Questar Seven Declination Vernier Manual Drive. From Company Seven's Museum Collection.
RASC Visual Observing Log A one page form produced by The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada; an aid for those who wish to document what they observe in some orderly fashion. File size is 99,166 Bytes (in Acrobat Reader ".pdf" format).
Remote Control Astronomy Handbook otherwise known as the "ROBO-Book". Until now, there has been little printed information available on creating and operating robotic observatories with contemporary observing equipment and computers. This illustrated 57-page booklet as a service to the astronomy community by drawing on the experiences of the authors and that of our customers.
This booklet will help you learn the practical side of operating a telescope and observatory by remote control. The Remote Control Astronomy Handbook describes how to automate an observatory including sections about the observatory, the telescope, cameras and computers. It is intended primarily for astronomers at the advanced amateur level and for professionals who need some orientation to the subject. Published March 2002 by John and Meg Menke, of Menke Scientific, Ltd. Copyright John & Meg Menke, from Company Seven's Library. Download size is 505,058 bytes (in Acrobat Reader ".pdf" format).
- SBIG Discussion of the ST-4, ST-5, ST-7, and ST-8 CCD Imaging Systems
- "Solar Eclipse Photography: An Introduction" Article by NASA
- Solar Eclipse: Safety Considerations for Observing Article by NASA
- "A Solar Telescope - for Lovers of the Sun" by Michael Olshausen
- Some Notes on Polar Alignment with Pole Finders by Ray Sterner
- "Star Watch" Activities: Advice to Those Attending Article geared for the general public attending night-time observing activities with telescopes, such as those periodically hosted by many astronomy clubs. This will help attendees to understand how to be more welcomed at these evening night sky observing events, and how to derive more satisfaction from attending them.
- "Star Watch" Activities: Advice to News Media Geared for news staff, or others who might wish to film or interview.
- "TeleVue Optics: A Historical Perspective"
- "TeleVue 8mm Radian and Mars" Experience using 8mm Radian eyepiece with the Televue 85 and Astro-Physics 155mm EDF Apochromat refractor telescopes to observe Mars, by Richard Orr
- "TeleVue Nagler 3mm to 6mm Zoom Eyepiece (ENZ 0306)" Review of the TeleVue Nagler 3mm to 6mm Zoom eyepiece with the Televue 85 and Astro-Physics 155mm EDF Apochromat refractor telescopes, by Richard Orr.
- "TeleVue Nagler 5mm and 7mm Nagler Type 6" Review of the new eyepieces contrasted against their predecessors the 4.8 and 7mm Nagler. Comparison done on an 18" Obsession Dobson reflecting telescope, Televue 85 and Astro-Physics 155mm EDF Apochromat refractor telescopes, by Richard Orr.
Time Zone and Meridian Offset Reference Information. The information here will assist in setup of the Vixen Polar Axis Scope (GP and SX models), many third party Pole Finders, the SkySensor 2000 and STAR BOOK controllers. Copyright Vixen North America, from Company Seven's Library. Two pages. Download size is 31,714 bytes (in Acrobat Reader ".pdf" format).
- "A Total Eclipse Of The Sun, Observed With A Questar Telescope" by William Chandler
"Uranomaniac 2001.1" From Company Seven's Archives. Reprint of popular advertisement of ficticious Star Atlas made up by Company Seven in response to the announcement of "Uranometria 2000". Originally published in February 1989 "The C-VII Journal" (28k, in Acrobat Reader ".pdf" format).
- Vixen 90mm/102mm Fluorite Apo telescopes Notes to buyers of our telescopes.
- Vixen "Sky Sensor III" Computer Addendum by Company Seven.
- "Ultraviolet Spectrum Primer" Illustrated article by Company Seven explaining the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum as it applies to photographing or imaging objects in the UV. The article explains the UV spectrum including UV-A, UV-B and UV-C. Imaging gear including lenses, films and filters.
- "Unitron Model 114 - 2.4" (60mm) Achromatic Telescope" Illustrated article describing an original Unitron 2.4 inch (60mm) achromatic refracting telescope. This was sold as the Model 114 with altazimuth mount with tripod, and its accessories. This article also goes into the history of Unitron telescopes and of the industry over the years when Unitron was selling telescopes. From Company Seven's Museum Collection.
- "Carl Zeiss - A History Of A Most Respected Name In Optics" This illustrated article is one of the older articles at Company7.com, with some of the earliest content written here. With some of this content dating back to 1994 when slow dial-up Internet access was common, the article was text heavy because illustrations were by necessity kept to a minimum. Over the decades we have and will on occasion add this or that illustration of items in our museum collection to break up the monotony of text, or make corrections (with much gratitude to contributors), clarify and expand information about content as we pull more information from our own archives. It was never our intent to write a comprehensive and all encompassing history of Zeiss, that would require volumes to do it justice, but rather to show why we at Company Seven were and remain in awe of the company achievements.
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the Company Seven Museum Collection and Archives are among the avenues by which we inform and educate by showing and explaining some of the many items that are maintained on exhibit at our showroom, or on-line from our archives. Our efforts to educate and inform have accounted for many people better appreciating what they own, or what they may have inherited; no doubt because of these efforts countless telescopes and binoculars will have been saved from ending up in some landfill if not resurrected for use. As time permits, we will gradually add more on line for the enjoyment of customers who support Company Seven.
These catalogs or variants of these may be included in the operating systems of "Go To" computer controlled mounts. Selecting most of the following highlighted database links will open a new window in your Browser and display the respective file in ASCII text which may then be saved to your computer. Most of these files are in the Losmandy Gemini Control System User Catalogue and appear with the suffix "guc" however, any text editor will open them. So you can download each, and copy and paste your targets using your favorite editor to build your specific programs for the night. Note, the Orion files are in a table format.