Carl Zeiss Jena Feldstecher Und Zubehör Katalog (Carl Zeiss Jena Binoculars And Accessories Catalog), published in 1958, German language. Published by VEB Carl Zeiss JENA, of Democratic Republic of Germany. VEB Carl Zeiss JENA. Printed publication No. 50-047-1 - Lot number 37 15 13 10/20, 111-6-15 20 1058 5348 Ag 10 ยท 0589-58 DDR
Moderate resolution scan of complete twenty-four (24) page color illustrated booklet describing the Carl Zeiss Jena (DDR/East Germany) consumer oriented binoculars, accessories, and monoculars product lines. Each model of binocular and monocular is described and illustrated including: 6x 30 mm Silvarem and Silvamar, 7x 50 Binoctem and Binoctar, 8x 30 Deltrintem and Deltrentis, 10x 50 Dekarem and Dekaris, and 15x 50 Pentekarem and Pentekar, and monoculars including the 8x 30 Deltrintmo, 6x 30 Simpsilv, 7x 50 Binoctarmo, 10x 50 Dekarismo, and 15x 50 Pentekarmo, 8x 21 Turmon, and 2.5x Tellup. Their accessories are explained as well.
Scan prepared for educational purposes, helpful in comparing the technologies of the era compared to those of today, and following the history of one of the world-s most important optical companies. Content scanned from an original in our archives, in moderate resolution and provided by Company Seven as an Adobe .pdf file (2,133,838 bytes) for Acrobat Reader versions 7 or later.