At Home In a Dome. 60 Page Booklet About Home Observatory Design and Construction, by Technical Innovations (in Acrobat Reader ".pdf" format)
- The Determination of Proper Observatory Dome Size by Technical Innovations.
"Observatory Wiring & Utilities Guidelines" by Company Seven, revised 9 July 2010. Complete eighteen (18) page color illustrated addendum to the factory instruction manuals for building dome or roll off roof style observatories sold by Company Seven. This contains recommendations for providing AC and DC power, signal wiring and conduit, lighting, backup power, lightning protection, security, maintenance. This is ideal information for electrical contractors detailing recommended arrangements, suggested components, and explanation of how to wire, install and secure components and condiuts. By Company Seven for use by our customers only, available by request, all rights reserved (2,639,050 bytes in Acrobat Reader ".pdf" format).
- Orthogonality Correction Description of simple technique to measure and correct for any orthogonality error of German Equatorial Mount and Telescope. By John Menke, Technical Innovations.
Remote Control Astronomy Handbook otherwise known as the "ROBO-Book". Until now, there has been little printed information available on creating and operating robotic observatories with contemporary observing equipment and computers. This illustrated 57 page booklet as a service to the astronomy community by drawing on the experiences of the authors and that of our customers.
This booklet will help you learn the practical side of operating a telescope and observatory by remote control. The Remote Control Astronomy Handbook describes how to automate an observatory including sections about the observatory, the telescope, cameras and computers. It is intended primarily for astronomers at the advanced amateur level and for professionals who need some orientation to the subject. Published March 2002 by John and Meg Menke, of Menke Scientific, Ltd. Copyright John & Meg Menke, from Company Seven's Library. Download size is 505,058 bytes (in Acrobat Reader ".pdf" format).