Above: front view of Standard Model with Walnut vinyl trim panel, shown during mid May approaching Summer Solstice (79,761 bytes).
The actual size of this model is 34-1/4" (87cm) x 22-3/8" (56.8cm), weight 28 lbs. / 12.7 kg.
Click on image to see enlarged view (200,315 bytes).
"Geochron is a beautiful mechanism that relates concepts at a glance in a graphical manner
thereby helping one to understand the Earths' relationship to the Sun, and how that relationship
affects every minute of every part of the world" - Martin Cohen
When I graduated High School and was on the way to college, I was fortunate enough to be hired in June 1975 to work at NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center. I recall my sense of wonder and excitement at being able to walk about and meet such a diverse community of people that I held in awe. And then of course there were all the "toys"; these included rooms full of state of the art computers (now reduced to a handheld calculator no doubt), an incredibly large centrifuge, radiation facilities, space flight hardware, telescopes, and more. As I traveled from building to building I noticed in many rooms there was a fascinating piece of beautiful technology on the wall; it seemed almost soothing, reassuring me that all was well in the rest of the world as I observed how they were experiencing sunsets, and sunrises, and in some places no sunsets or sunrises! It helped me at a glimpse to understand things about Earth's place in the Solar System. Since I first experienced a "Geochron" I never forgot it.
Years later after my transfer to another agency at the White House I was in a position to see history being made, and Geochrons were there too. In fact all Presidents since at least Gerald Ford benefited from and came to own the device. The Geochron remained a familiar sight to be found in the White House situation room, in State, Defense and intelligence agency offices: virtually anywhere a constant understanding of the world is critical to the success of something as complex as a military campaign, or as simple as making a successful telephone call. President Reagan chose to present a Geochron to Mikhail Gorbachev as "an example of American ingenuity".
Geochron is a class of technology that is a rare fusion of beautiful form and function.
Over the years since it was introduced the Geochron testifies to all who glimpse it how the world map has been revised. The Geochron is now available in a wider variety of configurations (surface or recessed wall mount, and table mount) and finishes. It is now available even better tailored to meet the needs of the interior decor conscious consumer. I insisted on having one on display in our Laurel, MD showroom. And after saving for thirty-two years I finally bought my own Geochron. After all the years, whenever I see a Geochron I recall the kid I was and that time of wonder when I first glanced upon its' display.
Martin Cohen
Company Seven
Geochron was invented by James Kilburg, a career mechanical engineer who perfected his craft and knack for ingenuity while living in his native Luxembourg. After moving to America, Kilburg devoted his life to creating innovations such as the car cigarette lighter (still in use today) the first automatic dialing telephone, as well as an automated Maraschino Cherry Pit remover.
Right: James Kilburg, the inventor of the Kilburg Geochron (14,710 bytes).
And yet, Mr. Kilburg's crowning achievement may never have been invented were it not for his wife, Dorothy. The year was 1962, and Kilburg was overseas visiting relatives. Unable to accompany her husband on the trip, one day Dorothy picked up the telephone to call him. With some assistance from the international Operator, she got through. Unfortunately for her husband, it happened to be 2:00 am. This episode inspired Mr. Kilburg to create what would become in 1963 - Geochron! The original Kilburg Geochron Corporation was operated by the senior Kilburg until the passing of the elder Kilburg in 1985 when the company was sold to his son James Kilburg, Jr. and a partner Bob Williamson.
The Geochron continued in production evolving under the careful watch of Jim and Bob under the company name Geochron Enterprises Inc. The partners relocated the company from San Mateo to Redwood City, California and from there they worked to build a successful representation worldwide. By the late 1990's it seemed a natural idea to port the Geochron Global Time Indicator into a software package. And in year 2000 Geochron working with Express Technologies Corp. developed the World Watch® software, a global timepiece and screen saver for Windows PC computers.
In July 2007 Geochron Enterprises Inc. was sold to an investment firm who manage the company under the name of Geochron, Inc. The factory and most of its personnel were relocated to Portland, Oregon so production resumed there and continues fully in the USA.
It is created with workmanship, craft and artistry reminiscent of the 19th century. And yet it is also the embodiment of the entrepreneurial spirit that shaped the 20th century. When you purchase a Geochron you're buying much more than a timepiece; you will be the owner of what the Smithsonian Institute calls "the last significant contribution in time keeping." The Geochron Global Time Indicator is the only instrument of its kind to simultaneously show daylight and darkness throughout the world.
As technology continues to advance and the concept of a "global economy" gains more and more acceptance, it becomes increasingly necessary to know or at least be aware of the time in other parts of the world. However, even the most advanced clocks merely indicate time. Clocks are devoid of other vital information graphically represented on the Geochron.
The Geochron is much more than a simple clock, it is a Mercator projection map of the world, back illuminated to simulate the sun light coverage of the Earth's surface at any given time.
THE DIFFERENCE IS NIGHT AND DAY. In addition to providing you the time anywhere in the world (not to mention a refresher course in geography), the Geochron also communicates important, constantly-changing information not available from any other source. At one glance, the Geochron displays:
- the distribution of sunlight all over the world at any given moment.
- this sunlight distribution will update itself right before your eyes as the earth rotates and each day progresses.
- the Geochron graphically depicts the meridian passage of the sun with it's Analemma display.
- the Summer solstice is depicted as it occurs. This is the longest day of the year north of the equator.
- See the Spring (and Autumnal) equinox. The two very brief moments of the year midway between summer and winter, during which the hours of light and darkness are equal at all latitudes.
- Observe how the Winter solstice occurs. The first day of summer "down under" and the first day of winter in the northern hemisphere.

Left: Geochron displaying Summer Solstice. The longest day of the year north of the equator (42,943 bytes).
How is all this revealed? Simply look at the illuminated pattern on the world map. The left edge of the pattern indicates the moment of sunrise, while the right edge indicates the moment of sunset.
As you can see from the photos in this section, this sunlight distribution pattern across the Earth's surface changes perpetually, as the days and the seasons of the year progress. Furthermore, the Geochron can be moved forward or backward in time since manual controls at the bottom of the unit allow you to find out the time of sunrise and sunset in any given location on the map, and at any date at present or in the past or future.

Left: Geochron displaying the Spring (and Autumnal) equinox. (42,764 bytes).
Note how the Spring (and Autumnal) equinox display shows the two very brief moments of the year midway between summer and winter, during which the hours of light and of darkness are equal at all latitudes.

Left: Geochron displaying the Winter Solstice. (37,490 bytes).
The Winter Solstice display shows the first day of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, and the first day of Summer "down under".
Winter Solstice has historically been a time of celebration in many primitive and pagan cultures in the Northern hemisphere since the event marks the transition from progressing night time, to when the night is the greatest portion of the 24 hour day - after this Solstice the days would gradually have more and more daylight.
24 HOURS. 40 TIME ZONES: You probably already understand the Earth has been divided into 24 "standard" time zones. But did you know about the 16 additional, "non-standard" time zones? Don't worry. The Geochron has them all covered, all year long - even during periods of daylight-savings time.
HOW TO TELL TIME WITH A GEOCHRON: What about those non-standard zones we just mentioned? Simple. Those non-standard and pocketed zones have boundaries that do not extend to an arrow. Instead, they're marked with a letter and a number. The letter, derived from international radio call letters, tells you which arrow of the Geochron to read, while the number shows you the number of minutes the region deviates from standard time. For example, the designation of India is E + 30, which means you add 30 minutes to the time you read on the E pointer.
You've just completed the most difficult calculation of international time a Geochron owner ever has to compute. Congratulations.
WHAT DAY IS IT, ANYWAY? Reading the date and day of the week is a snap with Geochron. Since the map is moving from left to right, the International Dateline crosses the frame once each day. The days, date and month observed on either side of the Dateline are each displayed via indicators mount on the lower panel of the Geochron.

Above: Geochron display of the days, date and month observed on either side of the Dateline. (38,372 bytes).
NEVER OBSOLETE: What's more, the map on every single Geochron made is designed to be easily changed to be able reflect changes in the world order (for example, the unification of Germany, the changing of the former Soviet Union).
Incidentally, we do not anticipate any changes will need to be made to the Sunlight pattern for several thousand years.
By looking at a Geochron, you have some sense of what it would be like to see the earth from outer space
Every single Geochron is hand crafted to stringent specifications in modern facilities in the U.S.A. Final assembly and quality control are also concluded at their facility.
The design and fabrication of the Geochron is geared to assure a lifetime (and more) of observing pleasure. It inspires confidence in the product, and pride of ownership.
Contents Copyright 1994-2007 Company Seven All Rights Reserved