Solarscope Ltd. Products Brochure 2012. This is the complete four page color illustrated document outlining the Solarscope SF and DSF solar filters and the SV series solar telescopes. This is provided as an Adobe .pdf file (2,835,473 bytes). Publication content copyright 2012 by Solarscope Ltd.
Solarscope Ltd. DSF-100 Addendum By Company Seven. This is the complete eight page color illustrated document Company Seven provided by solely to those who have acquired this equipment from us. This expands upon the instructions provided by the factory and explains the components provided with the SF-100/DSF-100 filter systems, set up, operation, components specifications, care and maintenance, and guarantee. Document provided as an Adobe .pdf file (4,466,724 bytes). Publication content copyright 2012-2013 by Company Seven. Download Link provided to our customers only by E-Mail request.
Solarscope Ltd. DSF-70 Addendum By Company Seven. This is the complete eight page color illustrated document Company Seven provided by solely to those who have acquired this equipment from us. This expands upon the instructions provided by the factory and explains the components provided with the SF-70/DSF-70 filter systems, set up, operation, components specifications, care and maintenance, and guarantee. Document provided as an Adobe .pdf file (4,543,882 bytes). Publication content copyright 2012-2013 by Company Seven. Download Link provided to our customers only by E-Mail request.
Above Right: Another stunning and informative single exposure processed to reveal a Filament near the limb of the Suns disc demonstrating how these transition to a Prominence, appearing to project off the edge of the Sun.
Image taken 21 October 2010 at 11:49:15 GMT by Pete Lawrence for Solarscope with a Solarscope DSF-70 filter configured for 0.5Å operation attached to a 4 inch Apo refracting telescope (70,502 bytes)
Click on image to see enlarged view (79,019 byes).
MULTIMEDIA: Presentations, Instructional, Software
"How to Become An Expert Solar Imager". is a comprehensive tutorial about how to image the Sun, and process the images captured to attain results like the professionals do. The materials within the DVD How to Become An Expert Solar Imager will teach you how to not only capture images of the Sun but it also provides instruction about how to process images, just like the professionals do, to colorize monochromatic images, to achieve a dramatic result, or clarify subtle details. So with the proper equipment and this instruction you too can experience the Sun and produce amazing results: the Sun can be your object of study or of art. Content is available for sale by Company Seven as video and software files delivered in a DVD. Publication content copyright Ninian Boyle and Pete Lawrence.