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![]() Company Seven | Ultraviolet Spectrum PrimerUnderstanding the ultraviolet spectrum, written in support of the specialized ultraviolet capable products distributed by Company Seven
Company Seven offers optical lenses and microscopes that are designed to work not only in the visible spectrum but into portions of the spectrum that are invisible to the eye and to conventional camera and lens systems. In this article we provide a working introduction to working in the ultraviolet spectrum.
Since most conventional lenses and even their antireflection coatings may interfere with the transmission of ultraviolet light, the optical systems and filters that we offer for work into the UV will incorporate refractive components made of special optical materials. These lens materials may include UV grade Calcium Fluoride (CaF2) and/or Fused Silica (Quartz). Among these is the highly acclaimed Nikon UV-105 F4.5 lens, a limited production lens originally developed for specialized applications in the ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) portions of the spectrum. This Nikon UV lens is complemented by our other systems including Long Distance Microscopes that can resolve details down to the sub-micron level deep into the ultraviolet, and even to below 200nm. Lenses based on all reflecting arrangements (Cassegrain, Newtonian, etc.) can be made to transmit ultraviolet however, these designs are not as practical for most applications as will be a lens (refracting) based system.
Above left: an example of the catadioptric long distance microscopes we offer is the Questar QM 100 (29,309 bytes).
Above right: Nikon UV-105 F4.5 refractive lens (14,642 bytes).
UV light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength shorter than that of visible light (400 to 700nm), yet longer than x-rays. UV is considered to span the range from 10 nm to 400 nm. Our Nikon 105 UV lens for example can operate at wavelengths between 220 to 900 nm, while our UV capable Long Distance Microscopes span from 180nm to 2 microns (the chart shows only up to 900nm). Note for reference we also show where the Fraunhofer lines (A to K) typically of interest to telescope and lens designers correlate on the spectrum below:
As amazing as it can be to explore the ultraviolet spectrum, this is not childs play therefore:
When working near shorter wavelengths sources of UV-B or UV-C fully cover the eyes and skin too.
Ultraviolet equipment (lenses, filters, sources) are designed and employed for different purposes, and this is largely dependent on their operating wavelengths within the UV range. Wavelengths are measured in nanometers (one billionth of a meter), with the UV spectrum generally falling between 10 and 400 nanometers (nm). The portions of the UV spectrum the concern our applications with the Nikon UV-105 lens are these three categories: UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C.
The long wave UV–A and medium wave UV–B are the types of naturally occurring ultraviolet energy that can be encountered on Earth. The UV–C is encountered only when generated by artificial sources.
Among the more popular uses ultraviolet lamps have been the fluorescing of materials and minerals. This became a part of pop culture during the 1960s and 1970s when black light sources were often used to establish a mood at concerts and clubs by fluorescing posters and other decorative items. Many stores sold black lights, posters, and other related items for the home too. Most of the sources are longwave bulbs or tubes with emissions spanning from as low as 380 to 400nm and higher into the visible spectrum. When certain minerals or insects are exposed to the some spectra of UV then that object will fluoresce and or phosphoresce in response. Ultraviolet lamps aid people searching for Scorpions at night as the tough but flexible outer coverings of these animals will fluoresce, giving themselves away with a glow against an otherwise black background. But most people first came to know ultraviolet light in a school setting, possibly when used to fluoresce minerals. Examples of Fluorescence, Phosphoresence, Tenebrescence: these following images were taken under natural light or while exposing the samples to ultraviolet lamps. The effects of the ultraviolet exposure can be seen by the naked eye, hence these images can be taken with common consumer digital or film cameras. However, baffling the UV source to avoid accidental exposure to people by the UV, eye protection and coverage as necessary (UV safety glasses, gloves, etc.), or the use of an observing cabinet specifically designed for use with UV sources are recommended for anyone working with short wave (UV-C) light sources. The visible and invisible worlds are obvious to the clients of Company Seven:
The fluorescence is dramatic; under UV-C the sodalite glows a bright orange and the lujavrite matrix glows a bright green (uranyl activated). When the light is turned off the sodalite phosphoresces orange. Exhibit courtesy of Company Seven (41,897 bytes). Click on image to see enlarged view (133,951 bytes).
An interesting mix of minerals, some a mystery but including sodalite and alancime. Sodalite in a matrix of blue and green fluorescing material. The blue fluorescence could be analcime (from other areas in the complex analcime glows like this) but we are not sure about that. The green fluorescence might be uranyl activated but appears to be a specific mineral rather than a coating of uranyl salts. The sodalite is nicely tenebrescent, and of course very fluorescent. Exhibit courtesy of Company Seven (95,144 bytes). Click on image to see enlarged view (290,163 bytes). * Tenebrescence also termed reversible photochromism, is the ability of some minerals to change color when exposed to certain types of light.
Nobody Likes A Cranky Komodo Dragon
In their natural environments some animals have evolved to thrive under exposure to the most intense sunlight. Many species of reptile depend on sunlight not only to warm themselves (they are solar powered after all) but also for developing vitamin D3 and to maintain optimal health of their immune systems. It is the midwave UV-B that act on natural components of the skin of many reptiles to make vitamin D3. In the wild reptiles have adapted their behaviors to bask in the Sun, but when held captive as pets or on display reptiles do not obtain sufficient ultraviolet exposure from normal visible room light. So a properly engineered enclosure will incorporate one or more timer-controlled UV-B lamps, usually based on a Mercury Vapor bulb, installed overhead of a pets basking area and focused to provide suitable but not excessive exposure. Since UV-B does not penetrate glass and most other transparent material used to fabricate the enclosures, the public can observe an animal in the enclosure but not suffer ill effects (sunburn, etc) from being in the proximity of the shielded ultraviolet lamp(s). If you intend to use any lamp for your pet then you should research the subject so that you can plan on which lamp will be suitable for your enclosure. Then prior to introducing the reptile you should monitor ultraviolet levels with a Radiometer to insure the exposure levels are safe while also being beneficial. You should also measure levels in the proximity of the enclosure to insure the materials shield observers. |
In Security Applications
Right: The UVP Model SL-2M Signature Lamp (inset) facilitates the detection of fluorescence in currency, credit cards, identification badges. The US Treasury Department has gradually been updating Americas paper currency with higher technology features to defeat counterfeiting. Some of these devices are incorporated in paper fibers that are not obvious to the naked eye under ordinary light but that fluoresce under black light (long wave) sources. When the currency is examined under longwave fluorescent light then a security ribbon embedded to the left of the portrait of President Benjamin Franklin on the $100 bill fluoresces red, the thread to the right of President Ulysses Grant on the $50 note fluoresces yellow/orange, while the thread on the left side of the portrait of President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill fluoresces green, the thread of the $10 bill with President Alexander Hamilton is red, and that of the $5 bill with President Abraham Lincoln is blue. Even though the fluorescence intensity of the security threads appears to decrease with use and handling, the security ribbon emission bands are wide and clearly distinguish each bill. The security thread is the only component of authentic U.S. currency that will fluoresces under black light. If the ink, the paper, or other feature fluoresces, then the bill is a counterfeit or has been altered.
Sources Light sources that produce UV in quantities to be useful for imaging include: flash, incandescent, fluorescent, grid, or LEDs where there are now DUV-LEDs made for work down to about 240nm. The best choice of source will depend on the intended application (UV-A, UV-B, UV-C), the working distance from the lamp to the subject, UV source longevity. Other practical considerations include whether or not the subject could be altered or damaged by energy radiating from some sources. Company Seven offers a good selection of lamps and other equipment for work in the UV by UVP, formerly known as Ultra Violet Products Co.. It is not a simple matter to adapt conventional light sources for use in the UV since commercial lights usually do not emit sufficient UV to provide good results through a UV transmission filter.
Above: examples of common commercial UV sources (20,556, 39,782, 8,118, 10,722 then 58,009 bytes). Click on images of UVP, Woods Lamp, and Hammamatsu items to see enlarged views (96,926, 103,757, 278,768 and 189,873 bytes). There are light systems made specifically for UV that incorporate excitation filtering; you will find information about suppliers for minerals studies, etc. on the Internet. A shade or reflector should be used to better direct the light onto a target and eliminate stray UV light. To freeze the moment on moving objects (flowers on a wind swept area, insects, etc.) and to minimize exposure time of the target to UV sources we prefer a flash unit; these are particularly useful when taking images in the UV-A longwave with some flash units with a suitable UV filter being able to provide UV-B midwave down to about 300nm or less. A flash unit such as the discontinued and hard to find Nikon SB-140 with provided UV pass filter may provide a peak of only approximately fifty percent or less output in the UV compared to its routine daylight performance, and this output will depend on where in the curve from below 300nm about 400nm the target best responds. There are advantages of non-flash unit too though, not the least of which is the capability of some lamps to emit well into the UV-C shortwave. It is easier to gauge the areas of the target covered by the lamp lighting, and to determine what areas if any are left in shadows (seeing the visible fluorescence). Finally, more powerful or many combined additional UV lamps can be brought to bear on the subject to reduce exposure time or to permit higher f/ratios and greater depth of field all for a fraction of the cost of even one used Nikon SB-140 flash. The lighting sources for field photography or forensics applications should be portable and able to run off of batteries, or the lighting may be AC powered. Of course safety gear (goggles, etc.) will also be associated with the use of most light sources. So you may want to organized a UV Kit and keep it cased and ready to go. Techniques in order to obtain the best results when working in the UV one should first understand:
Induced Light: this techniques is commonly used for studies of visible or IR fluorescence or phosphorescence and relies on two filters: excitation and blocking filters*. This requires the target be illuminated by a light source that incorporates an excitation filter so that it emits UV light but no infrared or visible. For example this may be a Kodak Wratten 18A filter that appears black and opaque to the naked eye. The camera (or sensor) that is focused onto the object of the study will incorporate a lens that has the capability to pass UV light. The lens will have a filter (Kodak Wratten 2A for example) that blocks UV light but will pass visible fluorescence. So when the target is excited by the light source then the visible or IR fluorescence or phosphorescence will be seen, and the image can be recorded by film or modern digital cameras.
When working in the UV then the best results will be obtained when working in a dark room, an environment where any source of light in the visible or IR can be shielded or turned off just prior to taking the exposure.
The UV Transmission Filter that was formerly made by Nikon and provided with the original UV-Nikkor lens (below) is satisfactory for most applications however, this filter has been discontinued. However, over the recent years newer technology filters have been devised that not only block visible light but also block infrared leakage. Among the newer filters recommended by and sold by Company Seven are:
The Baader U-Filter are visually opaque filters, these reject visible light and most infrared too. As typically employed the UV Transmitting Filter is installed into a filter holder (or cell), then this assembly is attached to the front hinged flap of a camera lens or in-line with our microscopes. To focus visually one slides the filter out of the way, then once focus is achieved the filter element is moved over the lens to block the visible and most IR light. For infrared photography a suitable optional filter (R60 for example) would be used in place of the UV transmitting filter. Of course if one is imaging in real time with a CCD system that displays an image on a screen then one could focus by that aid.
Our Nikon 105mm UV lens is suitable for imaging with film or with suitable CCD detectors, or it may be incorporated into a specialized instrument (Radiometer, etc.). Most film cameras, when used with appropriate films, could do well when working into the UV or picking up visible fluorescence. There are specialized films for working deeper into the UV, most notably Eastman Kodak 103-0, but many people have obtained results with artistic and or scientific value using certain black and white films. Unfortunately, the availability and variety of films is fast diminishing as the photographic industry transitions from film to digital cameras. Of course the digital cameras provide the user with instant gratification; the capability to see their results immediately and not have to pay for and wait for developing. Most consumer digital cameras have limited usefulness for work into the more interesting areas of the UV spectrum however, there are some specialized industrial UV capable cameras that can accept the Nikon F mount lenses.
Click on images to see enlarged views (218,292, 260,322 and 300,006 bytes). The earlier generations of DSLR cameras (including the Nikon D1, D2, D70, D200) employ a charge coupled device (CCD). Depending on the camera model a CCD based DSLR may have enough sensitivity around and below 400nm to be useful in areas beyond fluorescence in the visual spectrum. Just as the CCD based systems grew in pixels to cross the ten megapixel threshold thereby becoming truly attractive for the masses, the DSLR makers transitioned to the complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS). The recently developed CMOS requires less power than the CCD hence longer battery life. Unfortunately, the CCD cameras are more sensitive to UV than most current CMOS as these arrays have been engineered to reduce their sensitivity to violet. The changes of sensitivity for the CMOS came about in part so that the detector will be less sensitive to false color (chromatism) that may originate from simpler lenses that will tend to show violet halos surrounding contrasting features; why make the lenses better (and more costly) when the detector can be made to not see some of the problems? While some CCD based cameras have been shown to capture UV down to below 365nm, most drop off approaching 400nm or just below that. The CMOS based Nikon D700 for example incorporates UV cut filters so that light at about 420nm and below is not registered by the CMOS.
Left: The Fujifilm FinePix S3 UVIR the first production digital DSLR made specifically for UV/IR applications.
Right: The Fujifilm IS Pro may be the last and the best digital DSLR made to date specifically for UV/IR applications. Among the other outstanding features of these UVIR cameras are the Live Image Preview providing up to a 30-second LCD preview of the subject (in UV, visible, or IR) direct from the sensor displayed on the camera LCD monitor. The Fuji IS Pro also adds support for use with Nikon iTTL flash units. Options include special software to aid workflow, RAW file conversion, file security, and more. Furthermore, these Fujifilm DSLRs are as compatible with most Nikon F mount autofocus or manual lenses as are modern Nikon DSLRs so they can be used for conventional photographic work too. Only select distributors were allowed to offer the Fujifilm UV/IR cameras. Furthermore, these cameras were sold only to selected customers who had 1. applied with a completed Fujifilm UVIR Camera Purchase Request Questionnaire, then 2. signed Fujifilms Ultraviolet (UV) and/or Infrared (IR) sensitive digital camera firmware End User License Agreement guaranteeing the user will use the camera only for ethical purposes for applications including forensics, science, etc. The S3 Pro UVIR and IS Pro have since been discontinued. While today there are some companies that offer to modify some CCD based consumer DSLRs in ways that enhance their IR capabilities, there is no practical way to enhance a CMOS based camera for work into the UV. Company Seven considers the Fujifilm UVIR cameras to be professionally consistent and otherwise notably superior to aftermarket DSLR conversions furthermore, the Fujifilm cameras were accompanied by a factory warranty and good after sale support.
Right: “Whats the big deal?” - the respective areas of Nikon DX (15.5 x 23.3 mm) and FX (35.8 x 23.8 mm) formats compared (13,900 bytes).
Left: one of our megapixel CCD cameras incorporating an uncommonly large 2/3 inch diagonal format detector, shown alongside a Quarter coin for scale (31,561 bytes).
Right: Hasselblad UV-Sonnar C lens made by Carl Zeiss, shown with its seven element optical arrangement overlayed (29,521 bytes)
The UV-Sonnar and the later Nikon UV-Nikkor are each a remarkable lens and it is only coincidental that both are marketed as 105mm focal length lenses. The UV-Sonnar is physically a notably larger lens capturing an area 40 degrees wide across the diagonal of the traditional Hasselblad 6x 6cm (3,600 sq. mm) format, while the UV-Nikkor provides a field of view 23.2 degrees wide at prime focus on the 35mm (864.0 sq. mm) format. When new the UV-Sonnar sold for truly remarkable prices, more than double that of the UV-Nikkor, and even on the used market today a complete UV-Sonnar set in good condition can command $5,000 (USD) or more.
Left: Hasselblad UV-Sonnar CF, last production version of the lens. Note the uncoated lens surface (28,766 bytes) In terms of practical value the UV-Sonnar remains a fine 105mm lens for use in the visual specturm. However, in terms of commanding any premium for its UV performance the UV-Sonnar might be relegated to desk ornament status since medium format films suitable for UV are nearly extinct, and Hasselblad has not made a digital camera or back that can record light into the UV. As the 35mm DSLR camera manufacturers move away from CCD to CMOS based systems that are insensitive to UV, we see the digital backs being manufactured for Hasselblad to be similar in their UV insensitivity. So with the variety of films suitable for UV work diminishing and no suitable digital cameras on the horizon, the immediate future does not look good for medium format UV imaging. In contrast to the UV-Sonnar there remains a suitable pool of UV capable 35mm films and several DSLR CCD based cameras (Nikon, Fujifilm, etc.) that can be purchased on the used market that accept the Nikon UV-Nikkor lens.
The Zeiss FLUAR series objectives are designed to detect very weak fluorescence signals. The FLUAR objectives stand for maximum light transmission and photon collection. Manufactured from special glasses, these objectives have been developed specifically for qualitative and quantitative analyses of ion modifications and for demanding fluorescence applications. These provide good flatness of field up to 23 mm, high numerical apertures and very high transmission from a wavelength of 340nm up through the visible and near infrared thus making even the weakest signals clearly visible.
Right: Very rare Carl Zeiss ULTRAFLUAR 10x, Zeiss P/N 00000-1016-786, with modern Zeiss standard M27 thread (49,814 bytes).
Both ULTRAFLUAR objective examples are from Company Sevens collection. With Zeiss ULTRAFLUAR objectives it is possible to carry out applications using fluorescence excitation even deeper into the UV wavelength range than with the FLUAR. The first of the ULTRAFLUAR objectives were designed in 1959. Only select optical grade quartz (fused silica) glasses are used in their manufacture. As with optics mentioned earlier in this article, these lenses too are not treated with any antireflective coatings, this is to avoid inhibiting UV transmission and yet their throughput remains above 70 percent from below 300nm to above 1.2 microns. These objectives demonstrate outstanding transmission from 240 nm*, through the visible, and to the infrared ranges of the spectrum. Consequently, they cover the widest spectral range and have good flatness of field up to 20 mm. Of course any coverglass over the sample on a microscope slide would need to be made of quartz so as not to inhibit UV transmission.
is known as the Far UV or Vacuum UV. At these extremes even oxygen in the air can attenuate UV and so the ULTRAFLUAR 193nm objective is provided with an access port on the side for connecting a nipple (provided) and a hose for purging the oxygen out of the system with inert gasses to improve Far UV transmission. • Zeiss has made “Epi-ULTRAFLUAR” obectives, these are labeled as for use down to about 248nm. • Also, do not be misled by the uniformed reseller (or crook) who may attempt to market some other microscope objective as a true ULTRAFLUAR. If the objective is not engraved at the Zeiss factory with ULTRAFLUAR then it is not an ULTRAFLUAR. There never has been any “semi-ULTRAFLUAR”, or any other “Wannabe-ULTRAFLUAR” objective produced by Zeiss. When studying samples in a microscope in the UV these lenses are specified to be used with microscope slide cover slips that made from fused silica 200 microns in thickness hence these bear the inscription “Qu”. While some are optimized for use with immersion glycerine, those made for use with glycerine will bear the inscription “Glyc”. Some of these objectives, including the ULTRAFLUAR 100X/0.9 o.D. bear the “o.D.” as an abbreviation for the German “ohne Deckglas” indicating this lens is optimized for use on a sample without cover glass. With these objectives you will always obtain a reliable result, even in applications with excitation light in the UV range. Of course paying for one of these super-specialized objectives is comparable to making a College tuition payment!
For Further Reading:
For additional information specifically pertaining to the operation of ultraviolet equipment, radiometers to measure UV, filter and lamp spectral transmission data, and applications techniques browse our UVP Notes & Interesting Articles page.
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