The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada "OBSERVERS HANDBOOK 2002"

Above: RASC "Observers Handbook 2002". Cover photograph of Winter Milky Way including the Orion nebula (M42), the Rosette (NGC 2237) in Monoceros, Barnard's Loop, and four of the brightest stars in the sky: Sirius, Rigel, Betelgeuse, and Procyon. One exposure was taken using a 35mm camera with 28mm wide angle lens at f3.5. The Ektachrome 200 color slide film was exposed for 15 minutes. Photo taken by Alan Dyer |
The "Observers Handbook" is one of Canada's oldest scientific publications. This is the 288 page annual guide that is most highly recommended by Company Seven for the novice, or for the experienced observer. This is a very readable, annual publication where the next edition becomes available in late October of each prior year for sale at Company Seven's Laurel, MD showroom; we will also deliver this by mail order to around the world.
This book helps one to plan an observing or astrophotography session well in advance of the date of the event. This book is a valuable resource with tables, formulae, and numerous articles of advice about astronomical objects, optics, human vision. In one simple to use reference you can find out: how many moons does Jupiter have? (and read information about each). How big is the Sun? When will an object be in a good part of the sky to view or image? How to observe? And much more. This is an excellent compliment to an optional star chart, and telescope/observing reference guide book such as "Starware" or "Backyard Astronomer's Guide".
Published annually since 1907 when it first appeared as "The Canadian Astronomical Handbook for 1907", it was created by C.A. Chant (b. 1865, d. 1956), Professor of Astronomy at the University of Toronto. His vision was of "a companion which the observer would wish to have in his pocket or on the table before him". It has been published as "Observers Handbook" since 1911, this has grown to be the most comprehensive yet lightweight and compact publication of it's type with Chant remaining as the Editor until the 1957 edition. The present (and 5th) Editor is Rajiv Gupta who takes the helm into the new millennium from Dr. Roy L. Bishop.
Considering it's content, while remaining only 5-1/2 inch wide, 8-1/2 inch tall, and 1/2 inch thick, this is a remarkably handy and easy to travel with publication. With contributing authors of the various sections being experts in their respective field. The "Observer's Guide" includes includes discussions and drawings of periodic astronomical events that are known to be coming in that year, as well as good coverage of topics and astronomical data including:
- Introductory Section:
List of Contributors, How to Use the Book, Cover Photograph Caption, Editors Comments, Information about the RASC, Reporting of Astronomical Discoveries, Visiting Hours at Some Canadian Observatories and Planetaria, Suggestions for Further Reading and Atlases, Selected Index of Internet Web Addresses, Teaching and the Observers Handbook, Terminology and Symbols (Sun, Moon, & Planets, Zodiac Signs; Greek Alphabet), Coordinate Systems, and Terminology.
- Basic Data:
Principal Elements of the Solar System (Mean Orbital and Physical), Oscillating Orbital Elements 2002, Heliocentric Osculating Orbital Elements 2002, Satellites of the Planets, Satellites of the Asteroids, Orbital Motion, Some Astronomical and Physical Data, Voyages in our Planetary System, Precession Table for Advancing 50 Years.
- Time:
General Introduction: Time and Time Scales, Introduction to the Time Zone Map, Time Zone Map, Time Signals, Mean Sidereal Time, Julian Date, Standard Time Zones, Astronomical Twilight and Siderial Time.
- Optics & Observing:
Telescope Parameters: Equations and Performance, Telescope Exit Pupils, Binoculars, Filters, Limiting Magnitudes, Frequency of Clear Nights in North America, Light Pollution - Sky Transparency, Deep Sky Observing Hints, The Observing Logbook.
- The Sky Month by Month:
Introduction, Positions and Distances and Magnitudes of the Major Planets Through the Month, Descriptions of the Moon and Major Planets - Where to Find Them and How They Will Appear, A Day to Day Chronology of Astronomical Events (meteor showers, algol, new moon, first quarter moon, full moon, last quarter moon, double transits on Jupiter, oppositions, conjunctions, eclipses, etc.), and Configurations (Appearance/Orientation) of the Four Major Moons of Jupiter.
- Sun:
Ephemeris, Sundial Correction, Orientation of the Sun, Solar Activity, Auroral Forms, Times of Sunset and Sunrise, Twilight Table, Midnight Twilight and Midnight Sun.
- Moon:
Key to the Map of the Moon, Map of the Moon, Universal Time of New Moon Dates, Times of Moonrise and Moonset, Eclipses, Eclipse Patterns, Viewing a Solar Eclipse - A Warning, Occultations by the Moon (Total and Grazing), Tides and the Earth-Moon system.
- Planets and Satellites:
General Introduction, Planetary Heliocentric Longitudes, Magnitudes of the Naked Eye Planets during the Year, Pronunciation of Planet Names, Diagram of Planetary Configurations
Telescopic appearance of the planets, Pronunciation of Satellite Names, Solar System Geometry, Telescopic Appearance of the Planets, Planetary Right Ascension chart, The Planets for The Year an Introduction, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Finder chart for Uranus and Neptune, Finder chart for Pluto, Phenomena of Jupiter's Galilean Satellites, Configurations of Saturn's Brightest Satellites.
- Asteroids:
Ephemerides for the Brightest Asteroids, Planetary Appulses and Occultations.
- Meteors, Comets, and Dust:
Meteors, Fireballs, Radio Detection of Meteors, Meteorite Identification, Meteorite, Impact Craters of North America, Comets, Observing Comets, Interplanetary Dust.
- Stars:
Constellations, Finding List of Some Named Stars, The Brightest Stars, The Nearest Stars, Double and Multiple Stars, Variable Stars, Star Clusters, Amateur Supernova Hunting, Expired Stars.
- Nebulae:
Galactic Nebulae, The Messier Catalog, Deep-Sky Observing Hints, The Finest NGC Objects, Deep-Sky Challenge Objects, Galaxies: Brightest and Nearest, The NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED), Galaxies with Proper Names, Radio Sources, Variable Galaxies.
- Maps of the Night Sky:
Description of maps, January, March, May, July, September, November, The Southern Sky
- Concluding Section:
Order form for the next year's Observer's Handbook, Index, Some Holidays and Special Dates for the Year, 2002 Calendar.
Price $23.00 (U.S.D.); please add $4.00 for domestic postage, or $12.00 for international postage.