The Royal Astronomical Society Of Canada
La Societe Royale d'Astronomie du Canada
The beginnings of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada go back to the middle of the nineteenth century. The Society was incorporated within the province of Ontario in 1890, received its Royal Charter from King Edward VII in 1903, and was federally incorporated in 1968. The National Office of the Society is located at 136 Dupont Street, Toronto, ON, M5R 1V2. Its telephone number is (416) 924-7973 or (888) 924-7272. The business office and library are housed there.
The RASC consists of two employees; the Society's Executive-Secretary, Bonnie Bird, the Membership and Publications Coordinator Isaac McGillis, plus more than 4200 members and volunteers. The RASC is devoted to the advancement of astronomy and allied sciences, and its members are from many countries and from all walks of life. Members receive the publications of the Society: the "OBSERVER'S HANDBOOK" (published annually in October for the next calendar year), and the bimonthly JOURNAL which contains review articles, research papers on historical and contemporary topics, education notes, general notes of astronomical interest, book reviews, news items concerning the Society and its Centres, informal articles, and letters. Also included with membership is Canada's popular bimonthly astronomy magazine "SKYNEWS".
The membership year begins October 1, and members receive the publications of the Society for the following calendar year. Annual fees are $40, and $25.00 for persons under 21 years of age (proof of age required). Life membership is $800. (To cover higher mailing costs, these figures are to be read as U.S. dollars for members outside of Canada). An applicant may affiliate with one of the Centres of the Society across Canada, or may join the Society directly as an unattached member (some Centres levy a surcharge above the regular membership fee). The addresses of the twenty-three RASC Centres in Canada are (in the order that the stars rise, and grouped by province):
St. John's: c/o Randy Dodge, 206 Frecker Drive, St John's, NF, AlE 5H9
Halifax: c/o Nova Scotia Museum, 1747 Summer St., Halifax, NS, B3H 3A6
Quebec: C. P. 9396, Ste-Foy, PQ, G1V 4B5
Montreal: C.P. 206, St. Michel, Montreal, PQ, H2A 3L9
Montreal: P.O. Box 1752, Station B, Montreal, PQ, H3B 3L3
Ottawa: P.O. Box 33012, 1974 Baseline Rd., Nepean, ON, K2C OEO
Kingston: P.O. Box 1793, Kingston, ON, K7L 5J6
Niagara: P.O. Box 241, Niagara Falls, ON, L2E 6T3
Toronto: c/o Ontario Science Centre, 770 Don Mills Road, Don Mills, ON, M3C 1T3
Hamilton: P.O.Box 1223, Waterdown, ON, L0R 2H0
Kitchener-Waterloo: c/o J. Brunton, 123 Grand River St. N., Paris, ON, N3L 2M4
London: P.O. Box 842, Station B, London, ON, N6A 4Z3
Sarnia: c/o Alice Lester, 1091 Emily St., Mooretown, ON, NON 1MO
Windsor: c/o Frank Shepley, RR#2, 344 S. Middle Rd., Maidstone, ON, NOR 1KO
Thunder Bay: c/o 286 Trinity Crescent, Thunder Bay, ON, P7C 5V6
Winnipeg: Room 110, St. Paul's College, 430 Dysart Rd., Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2M6
Regina: P.O. Box 20014, Cornwall Centre, Regina, SK, S4P 4J7
Saskatoon: P.O. Box 317, RPO University, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 4J8
Edmonton: c/o Space & Sciences Centre, 11211-142 St., Edmonton, AB, T5M 4A1
Calgary: c/o Calgary Centennial Planetarium, P.O. Box 2100, Calgary, AB, T2P 2M5
Okanagan: c/o Ron Scherer, 11450 Darlene Rd., Winfield, BC V4V IY4
Vancouver: c/o Gordon Southam Observatory, 1100 Chestnut St., Vancouver, BC, V9C 2C6
Victoria: c/o Bill Almond, 354 Benhomer Drive, Victoria, BC, V6J 3J9