
Questar Standard with Solar Observatory package mounted on Astro-Pier
The Questar Solar Observatory is a system made up of several components that permit a Questar 3-1/2 astronomical telescope to
reveal otherwise unobservable details on the Sun. This system employs a "Hydrogen-Alpha" filter and can be used visually or
for imaging with film or a CCD camera. An optional accessory (Daytime Polar Alignment Package) is available to aid solar
observers to attain a precise polar alignment of the telescope mount.

Loop prominences and coronal rain (solar disk masked off).
top to bottom 12:16 U.T. 0/0 min, 12:52 U.T. +36/+36 min, 13:06 U.T. +14/+50 min |
One will observe the Sun as a deep red globe, with prominences appearing as sheer curtain-like features exploding out into the
blackness of space. Also revealed are contrasting features on the Sun's disk including filaments and flares. This is an
excellent aid for educators, and a tool for those who are looking to expand the possible areas f use for their Questar
A Questar Solar Observatory system can be furnished with any of a selection of Hydrogen-Alpha filters, these can vary in their
power requirements (some models require no electric power at all), and band pass. Because of the possible choices, we prefer
to work directly with customers to help tailor a system that will best suit their needs.
The Questar Solar Observatory was developed by a local customer of Company Seven with the cooperation of DayStar Filter Company, Questar Corporation, and Company Seven. An illustrated article
("A SOLAR TELESCOPE FOR LOVERS") prepared by Mr. Michael Olshausen for
publication in the Company
Seven "C-VII Journal" is made available at our Internet Site for those who wish to read and see more about this systems
development, and operation.

  Solar flare with surge prominence |
- Dual Aperture energy rejection filter
- Variable pitch Hydrogen-Alpha filter
- 0.6 Angstrom ATM Filter
- 0.6 Angstrom University Filter
- 0.5 Angstrom University Filter
- Glare free viewing with "SunShield"
- Questar "Variwedge"
- Questar "Televid" Star Diagonal
- Questar Brandon 32mm eyepiece
- Portability: keep track of solar activity from anywhere on Earth
- Simplicity: set up and take a look when you have a few minutes
- Convenience: your attention stays on what you see, not what you look through.
- Resolution: Questar's long focal ratio is ideally suited to Hydrogen-Alpha and white light observing.
Basic Specifications:
- Effective Focal Length: 60 inches
- Prominence Aperture: 2.5 inches
- Prominence focal ratio: f/24
- High-Contrast Disk Aperture: 1.2 inches