CCD Camera Control/Image Processing Operating Software by:

Background Information
SBIG has 4 software packages supporting its various cameras on the PC, Macintosh and Windows platforms. These packages have
image acquisition and image processing functions:
- The CCD package supports the ST-4.
- The CCDOPS package supports the ST-4X, ST-5, ST-6, ST-7, ST-8 and PixCel 255.
- The CCDOPS for PixCel package has specialized support for the Celestron/SBIG PixCel 255.
- The CCDOPSW package runs under MS-Windows 3.X and 95 and supports the ST-7/ST-8.
These files are the latest production release of the SBIG Camera Control and Image Processing Software. They read and display
SBIG native image formats. These are full working copies and can be used for evaluation or to upgrade your existing software
if you are using a previous version with an SBIG camera.
The Windows software only supports the ST-7 and ST-8. Optional third party packages that we offer such as Software
Bisque's "SkyPro" support the other SBIG cameras under Windows. Programs such as those furnished by SBIG, "SkyPro", and other
optional software are useful for image processing applications.
Indicates recent software version upgrade or new software.
These files are the latest production release of the SBIG Camera Control and Image Processing Software. They read and display
SBIG native image formats. These are full working copies and can be used for evaluation or to upgrade your existing software
if you are using a previous version with an SBIG camera.
Selecting the Correct Software
Selecting to correct software depends upon your computing platform and the camera you wish to support, or images you wish to
process. Use the following list to determine which software is right for your needs.
Camera Control/Image Processing Software
CCDOPS 3.5 Users
- CCDOPS 3.5 Users may wish to download the new software manual CCDOPS Manual.
This Adobe PDF format manual describes all the new features in CCDOPS version 3.5. You can also buy the printed version of
this from SBIG for $10.
PixCel Users
PixCel users should download PIXCELOP.ZIP [ver 3.75].Also note that you can also use the
standard CCDOPS software available below. You might want to review the changes made in the
Readme File
CCDSharp Users
- CCDSharp users should download SHARPEXE.ZIP [ver 1.01].This fixes a bug that when saving images
it could cause the written image to be invalid and not be able to be read again by CCDSharp or CCDOPS. Unzip this file and
copy the resulting CCDSharp.EXE file into your CCDSharp directory.
MS-Windows Users [ST-7/ST-8 only]
- ST-7/ST-8 users may select this link to download CCDOPSW.ZIP [ver 1.09]
- If you're using CCDOPS for Windows or Software Bisque's SkyPro then you should download the new version of the ST-7 Driver
DLL ST7DLL.ZIP [ver 2.50].Unzip and copy this file into your
CCDOPSW or SkyPro directory and reboot your computer to make sure Windows loads the new version.
Macintosh Users- ST-4 users should download CCD.HQX [ver 1.50].
- ST-4 Beta Testers should
download CCD1R6.HQX [ver 1.6 Beta]. This is a fat-binary version
which is now native on the Power PC Macs. New features include Balloon Help, Apple Guide Help and support for the Port
ST-4X, ST-5, ST-6, ST-7, ST-8 and PixCel 255 users
should download CCDOPS.HQX [ver 3.52]
Last modified on January 19, 1998
Please report any problems with this page or the operating software directly to Company
Seven. Thank you.