29 January 1999: New Products: ST-7E and ST-8E Enhanced CCD Imaging/Star Tracker Systems
Another step in the evolution of CCD imaging technology - and again led by SBIG!
Continuing their tradition of innovation, in October 1994 SBIG introduced the original ST-7 (and ST-8) cameras with an unique concept (Patented) for astronomical imaging: each head contains two CCD's in parallel; a Kodak KAF0400 (or KAF1600) for imaging, and a Texas Instruments TC211 for tracking. In February 1999 the ST-7E and ST-8E were introduced.
The Model ST-7E and ST-8E are each a multi-purpose instrument which feature a unique two CCD arrangement in parallel. Based upon the original SBIG dual chip camera concept, the Enhanced models add a dramatic improvement in sensitivity while maintaining an extremely low dark current. These new enhanced Kodak CCD detectors have higher QE (Quantum Efficiency) not just in the blue where the original Kodak detectors were relatively weak, but across the entire visual spectrum - from the UV to the IR. These new ST-7E and ST-8E cameras have higher QE (Quantum Efficiency) in the blue and green than even the venerable SBIG Model ST-6 CCD system!
As of February 1999 the ST-7E and ST-8E are only available without ABG (Antiblooming Gate) enabled; we do expect to have ABG detectors available some time in the future. As with prior chips, the ABG versions will suffer some loss of sensitivity due to the ABG structure.
Keeping with their tradition of treating their customers with respect, SBIG and Company Seven are instituting generous upgrade programs: from the prior ST-7 to the new ST-7E, and from the ST-7 to ST-8 or to the ST-8E. Please read our price listing, or contact Company Seven for the current price and availability.