Company Seven.

Company Seven is a resource for the international amateur and professional astronomy community, and a registered U.S. government contractor. A hub of the regional astronomy community, we also consult to organizations including for and not for profit media. Our credentials include support of mission critical aspects of: NASA Hubble Space Telescope Repair Mission, the NASA International Comet Halley Watch, the NASA James Webb Space Telescope, and a variety of defense and law enforcement projects.

Our ethic revolves about a philosophy of high ideals and good public service where profit is never the overriding concern. Our customer’s success is based on our offering counsel and very good to excellent products, some of which are very rare if not impossible to find elsewhere. Our staff is unexcelled in technical competence, and we provide a high degree of in-house quality control, and comprehensive programs of instruction.

We maintain one of the last remaining and longest enduring astronomy-oriented showrooms, in Laurel, MD between Baltimore and Washington D.C. This features a representative selection of the better astronomical telescopes, nature watching, surveillance instruments, binoculars and accessories along with a museum of rare and antique optical instruments. Our showroom is open Monday through Saturdays 11 am to 5 pm (or by appointment). We close Sundays and U.S. Federal Holidays, and from 25 December to 1 January.

For the benefit of those distant, the Washington, D.C. time and date are now:

9:32 PM, Tuesday, March 25th, 2025, Eastern Standard Time.

To learn more about how this site is arranged and how to navigate it, or for those new to Company Seven please Click Here. To learn more about the latest activities, web page changes, and developments here then visit our News and Developments page.

This Site Last Updated: 1 February 2025

On 8 January 2025 we celebrate 45 years of defining competence and integrity as a business, with nearly 41 of these years promoting science education and our international astronomy community from our Laurel, Maryland showrooms

45 & 41

Site Terms of Use

We fondly remember:

Bruce Roy Wrinkle (b. 7 August 1945, d. 28 April 2013) was the soul of our showroom; kind, witty, intelligent, and able to greet you with a funny joke. Bruce was was amazingly well read, able to hold conversations with doctors and scientists on matters from prions to dark matter. And he was our friend, a true friend in every sense of the word and every day without him lacks some luster.

And Robert Kim Carter (b. 18 Jan 1962, d. 23 April 2005) whose friendship and support originally brought this site on line in 1994. Robert founded one of the first Internet Service Providers of "Internet Valley", Digital Gateway Systems, Inc. in Vienna, Virginia. DGS used to be to ISP's, as Company Seven is to our industry.