Select from the date or topics below to read detailed information:
Complete Sun and Moon Data for One Day You can obtain the times of sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, transits of the Sun and Moon, and the beginning and end of civil twilight, along with information on the Moon's phase by specifying any date and location (U.S. or International). This is a public service provided by the U.S. Naval Observatory Astronomical Applications Department through Company Seven, used by permission.
Observing Tips for The Month a text discussion of the Moon, planets, and other interesting celestial objects in the night sky from night to night. Updated monthly. Provided by the University of Texas McDonald Observatory, used by permission, with some additional information posted as a public service by Company Seven. Discontinued in November 2004 the staff at McDonald Observatory began to ask for payment from Company Seven. There is nothing really copyrightable about putting out a list of known events, and this removes the recognition they were receiving - so much for public service we suppose.
Lunar Phases Information about the phases of the moon, and how they occur, when and where to look for these phases.
The Sky Above Company Seven The default shows the sky over our showroom in Laurel, Maryland. When page opens then you may scroll to the bottom of the page to enter your observing location, time, date, etc. Note that Universal Time is 4 hours ahead of Washington, D.C. EST, or 5 hours EDT. Click on any area of the map to see an enlarged detailed view.
Weather Sky Clock for the area around Company Seven, specifically at the University of Maryland Observatory in Adelphi, Maryland (updated automatically).
Archive Of Recent Months "Observing Tip of the Day" Text files archive of recent months. Provided by the University of Texas McDonald Observatory, used by permission. Discontinued in November 2004
Company Seven has historically resisted placing observing information on line because we know so many other sites (run by astronomy clubs, amateurs, and professionals) do a good job of this. Given how much technical information we already have on line, and the volume of visitors traffic - some of which must be new to the hobby - we decided to help those newcomers to gain some better understanding of environmental and time aspeccts that impact what one may find, or what one may see through a telescope.
We will periodically review the traffic to these pages to see if they warrant further effort. And we welcome constructive crticision and other suggestions that may improve this service.