1. How long have you been an active amateur / professional astronomer?
2. How often do you check our web site?
3. Which SBIG camera(s) do you own? (check all that apply):
4. Why did you purchase a CCD camera?
5. Before you purchased a CCD camera did you hesitate because of:
6. What finally motivated you to buy a CCD camera?
Please elaborate:
7. What is your primary motivation in using a CCD camera?
8. What type of telescope do you primarily use for CCD imaging?
9. What kind of mount do you have?
10. Does your mount have GOTO capability?
11. What is the tracking performance of your mount?
12. Approximately how much did you spend on your primary telescope and mount?
13. What type of computer do you use with your camera?
14. What operating system do you use?:
15. If you have used both CCDOPS for DOS and CCDOPS for Windows 95/98, which do
you prefer :
16. If necessary, would you pay 20% extra to have CCD imaging equipment that
works with Macintosh computers?:
17. Where do you use your system?
18. How do you power your equipment?
19. Do you wish SBIG would offer a:
20. Do you wish SBIG would offer a:
21. Please rank the following CCD camera attributes in terms of importance to
you (1 is most desirable, 5 is least). Do not use the same number twice:
22. If you had a choice, would you buy (a) a camera that was a great imager for
$1995, or would you rather buy (b) the same camera with an integrated filter wheel and
built-in AO capability for $2750?
23. Have you ever bought one of our competitors' products?
24. If so, why did you purchase a competitor's product?
25. How do you feel about your SBIG purchase?
26. How do you feel about the price you paid for your SBIG camera?
27. Would you buy another product from us or a competitor?
28. How was our customer service?
29. Was the SBIG camera difficult to use?
30. Did you have problems with our camera that required return/repair?
31. If your SBIG purchase was an autoguider, self-guided camera or camera used
for guiding, were you able to achieve good round star images on long exposures?
32. Are you interested in spectroscopy - now or at some future date?
33. Do you use 7 x 50 or larger binoculars for observing occasionally (monthly)?
34. Do you use a Dobsonian style telescope for observing occasionally (monthly)?
35. If you do not have a GOTO mount, are you hoping to acquire one?
36. Would you like to operate your system remotely (i.e., from the comfort of
your den) if you could?
37. If you had a remote CCD system would it matter if the system could not
conveniently be used visually - if it was optimized for electronic operation?
38. Which publications do you read regularly?
39. In what ways would you like to see SBIG improve its products?
40. Please add any comments you like about this survey or SBIG products
and service in general.
Thank you for participating in this survey.
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