Special Offer
ST-7ME and ST-9E Imaging Cameras
Limited Quantity Available
- Starting in November 2003
Offer Good Only While Supplies Last
Update 11/3/03 - We are sold out. Check with the following U.S. dealers for availability:
These ST-7ME and ST-9E cameras are available in limited quantity. They are parallel versions of our current ST-7XME and ST-9XE USB cameras. The imaging CCDs are new CCDs from Kodak. All of the accessory items are new. To save costs and keep the price down, the cameras contain reconditioned circuit boards and some internal machined parts that have been thoroughly checked out and updated by SBIG. The built-in guiding CCD is the TC211. The cameras carry a full one year warranty. In order to make these cameras available at the lowest possible price we have also made some of our usual accessories, such as a hard case, optional. However, everything you need to operate these self-guiding cameras is included. The cameras are configured as follows:
Standard Items:
- Camera body with updated parallel electronics and built-in TC-211 autoguiding CCD
- ST-7ME includes a new Class 2 KAF-0402ME CCD with no column defects (765 x 510 pixels at 9 microns square)
- ST-9E includes a new Class 1 KAF-0261E CCD with no column defects (512 x 512 pixels at 20 microns square)- Standard Parallel interface to the computer
- Single stage TE cooling
- 110VAC Power Supply (alternative regional supplies for Europe and Asia)
- T-thread front plate (as pictured above)
- 1.25" nosepiece with t-threads (as pictured above)
- Parallel cable
- Relay cable (for self-guiding and autoguiding)
- Relay Cable Adapter Plug (ST-7RC)
- CCDOPS version 5 camera control software
- CCDSoftV5 camera control, image processing and astrometric software
- TheSky v.4, level II
- Operating Manual
Update 11/14/03: We are upgrading all of the ST-7ME models to a Class 1 CCD at no additional charge. You don't have to do anything to receive this free upgrade. If you ordered one of the ST-7ME cameras, it will come with a new Class 1 sensor.
- CFW8A Color Filter Wheel with Research Grade RGB and Clear Filter Set
- Research Grade UBVRI Filters for CFW8A Filter Wheel
- AO-7 Adaptive Optics
- SGS Self-Guiding Spectrograph
- Custom Pelican Carrying Case
- 2" Nopsepiece
- T-thread to SCT adapter
- Male-to-male t-thread adapter
- 12VDC Power Supply
- E2P Ethernet to Parallel Adapter
- Mac SCSI Adapter
Upgrades Available
- USB Electronics (including enhanced cooling design with water circulating heat exchanger)
- TC237H tracking CCD (ST-9E)
This camera is virtually identical to the new ST-7XME in performace with the exception of the parallel interface to the computer. The new KAF-0402ME blue enhanced CCD is extremely sensitive with a peak QE of nearly 85%. At H-alpha it is still approximately 75% and the sensitivity extends well beyond the visible into the near IR. It has higher QE than any camera with a front illuminated sensor (other than the ST-10XME) from any manufacturer available to the amateur for under $7000, including any camera made with a Sony sensor. With 9 micron pixels, the camera is a good match for telescopes having a focal length up to about 150 inches (2500mm).
The camera will work with all of our software as well as third party software. It carries our full one year warranty. The cameras may be used as they are for now and upgraded to USB at a later time. To see some sample H-alpha images taken with a prototype camera using an engineering grade sample of this CCD click here.
The KAF-0261E blue enhanced CCD is also very sensitive with a peak QE of about 70%. At H-alpha it is approximately 60% with good sensitivity well into the near IR. What makes the KAF-0261E perform so well on larger telescopes is its 20 micron pixel size. Each pixel has about 5 times the area of a 9 micron pixel. The total imaging area is about 3 times that of the KAF-0402. For long focal length scopes (e.g., 100 inches or more) the ST-9E is an excellent choice.
Typical Specifications
ST-7ME | ST-9E | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CCD Specifications |
CCD Specifications |
$1295 |
$1995 |
Price and specifications subject to change
without notice
Supply is limited - Offer good only while supply lasts
Revised: November 14, 2003 09:26:59 AM.
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