Links to Other Sites
Images and Homepages of SBIG Users
The links below have been provided by users of SBIG products. Feel free to browse through them and see what can be done with our products.
If you would like to have your site added to this page please (Include My Site) e-mail the URL and a brief description to us so we can check it out and include it here. Also if one of these links becomes invalid let us know so we can remove it.
Mark Abraham (ST-7E, CFW8)
Chris Anderson (ST-237
Italian Group (G.I.A.)
Peter Augello
Duane Baker (ST-7)
R. Behrend
The Back River Observatory
Mike Borman (ST-7E)
Randy Brewer (ST-8E, CFW8, STV)
Rick Bright (ST-4X, ST-7)
Sam Bruce (ST-7)
Adrian Catterall (ST-8, CFW8, AO-7)
Celestron CCD Page (PixCel 255)
Mike Chapa (PixCel 237)
Chumack Observatory, Dayton
Station, MPC code #838 (ST-5, ST-6 and ST-7)
Pin Chung, M.D. (PixCel 237)
Jose Cidadao (ST-6)
Jose Cidadao (ST-6)
Jose Cidadao (ST-6)
Larry Citro (ST-7E)
Doug Clapp (ST-6, ST-7, AO-7)
Brian Colville (PixCel 237)
Nuno Costa (PixCel 237)
Steve Crouch (ST-6, CFW6A)
Robert Dalby (ST-6, ST-7, AO-7)
Daniel Del Proposto
"Willow Creek Observatory"
Larry Denmark (ST-8E, CFW8)
Tad Denton (PixCel 237)
Ted Dobosz
Brendan Downs (ST-7)
Brad Ehrhorn (ST-7, ST-8, AO-7)
Greg Eisenhauer (ST-7)
Glenn Elliott (ST-6, CFW)
Chuck Faranda (ST6B, ST-237, ST-4, CFW8)
Rafael Ferrando (ST-7)
Bill Franek
Tony Galvan (ST-4)
Robert Gendler (ST-10XME, CFW8)
Joel Gelber (ST-7, ST-8,
Robert Gibala (PixCel 237)
Colleen Gino
Andjelko Glivar (PixCel 237)
Ray Gralak (ST-8E, CFW8, AO-7)
Ed Grafton's CCD Astro-Imaging Page
George Grimm (Pixcel
Pierre Guilleme (ST-6,
CFW-6, ST-4)
Mark R.
Holbrook Astro-photos (PixCel 237/ST-4)
Mark R. Holbrook (Chat BBS)
David Hanon (ST-7, ST-8)
Quentin Hinds (ST-8, AO-7, Astrophotos)
Richard Jacobs, M.D. (ST-7)
Bruce Johnston (ST-7)
Tom Johnston (ST-6, ST-7)
Steven Juchnowski (ST-7, AO-7,
David Kappes (PixCel 255)
Dave Kenyon (ST-7)
Brian Kerns (ST-7E)
Kitt Peak
Advanced Observing Program (ST-7E, ST-8E, CFW8, AO-7)
Bernd Koch (ST-8)
Rémi Lacasse (ST-7E, CFW8)
Paul Laughton (ST-7, Astrophotos)
Sid Leach (ST-4)
Sid Leach (ST-4)
Steve Leikind (ST-8E)
Frank Loch (ST-7)
Dennis Luse (ST-7)
Dale E. Mais, Ph.D. (ST-8E, SGS
Steve Mandel (ST-8E, CFW8)
Pedro Mardones (G-11)
Fabio Marino (ST-4)
Gianluca Masi (ST-7)
William McLaughlin (ST-8E, CFW8)
Elgie Mills
Michel Mollard (ST-4)
Tom Mote (ST-6)
Mototsugu Motoki, M.D. (ST-7,
Jerry Mulchin
George Normandin, Kopernik Astro Society (ST-6)
Arie Nagel
Kunihiko OKANO (ST-7, C5)
John O'Neil (ST-7)
Optical and X-ray
Astronomy Group
Damian Peach (ST-5C, CFW5C)
John Persichilli (ST-6)
Patrice Poyet (ST-6)
Michael Purcell
Rob Purvinski
Pedro Re' (ST-7E)
Val Robichaux (ST-7E, ST-8E, AO-7)
Gordon Rogers (ST-6, ST-7, ST-8E,
AO-7, CFW8)
James Roe
Jack Russell (ST-6)
Werner Sabo (AT-7, AO-7)
Benoit Schillings (ST-8, AO-7)
Uwe Schmidtmann (ST-5)
Uwe Schmidtmann (ST-5)
Marc Sylvestre (ST-7E NABG)
SFA Observatory (ST-7)
Mike Sisk (ST-8)
Chris Spratt (ST-237, ST-7E NABG)
Chris Schur (ST-237)
Shoji Suzuki (ST-8, CFW8)
Marc Sylvestre (ST7E NABG)
Roy Uyematsu (ST-6, ST-7E)
Luc Vanhoeck (ST-8)
Brad Wallis (ST-7, AO-7)
Steve Webb (ST-7)
Wichmann (ST-7E)
Steven Williams (ST-6, ST-5)
Ron Wodaski (ST-8E, CFW8, ST-237)
Ted Wolfe (ST-8E, CFW8)
The links below are people or companies that have 3rd party products that support SBIG cameras. SBIG posts these here only for your reference. Don't let the presence or absence or a link be construed as an implied recommendation or repudiation by SBIG.
Software Bisque (The Sky, CCDSoft, Paramount)
Brad Ehrhorn, RC Optical Systems
(Ritchey-Chretin Telescopes)
C. Cavadore (PRISM software).
Doug George, Diffraction Limited (Maxim DL/CCD Software)
Bruce Johnston Computing (MegaFix Software)
Larry Myers (Mountain Instruments Mounts)
M.S.B. Software (Astroart Software)
Michael V. Newberry, Axiom Research, Inc. (Mira Software)
Rudolph Novak (Munidos Photometry Package)
Jim Riffle, Astroworks Corporation (Centurian 18"
f/2.8 Telescopes)
Phase Space Technology (Astra Image Software)
Brian Warner (Minor Planet Observer Software)
Ron Wodaski ("The New Astronomy" book)
The links below are general interest sites.
Astromonical Image Data Archive (AIDA, Many
Users, Cameras)
Brian Webb
(Vandenberg Missle Lauch Schedules)
William McLaughlin (Astromony Prints)
Revised: January 22, 2004 10:21:05 AM.
Copyright © 1998 Santa Barbara Instrument Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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