Recall Notice
Globtek Power Supplies with WK number "318"
October 15, 2003
We have discovered a defect in some of the off-the-shelf power supplies we use for the ST-7XME, ST-8XE, ST-9XE, ST-10XE/ME and ST-2000XM. Globtek Power Supplies with WK number 318 on the label are bad and should be returned to SBIG for replacement. The supplies have reversed +12V and -12V outputs that will damage the camera if they are used. Even if the supply has a "Tested OK" stamp on the case DO NOT USE THEM. You can identify the supplies by the serial number on the underneath side of the case.
If your power supply is an Elpac brand then there is no danger. If your power supply is a Globtek but it does not have the WK number 318 on it below the SN number then you are probably safe. We have been using these supplies for several years without trouble. If you would like to test your supply with a meter, note the proper pin voltages in the diagram below.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this problem. Replacement, repair and any shipping costs will be paid by SBIG if you received one of these supplies.
Revised: October 15, 2003 03:54:02 PM.
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