- Can the classic 32 bit drivers be used under 64 bit versions of Windows?
No they can not. Use the 64 bit versions instead.
- Are there drivers for 64 bit versions of Windows?
Yes there are for USB Based Cameras only, and they are different than the classic 32-bit drivers.
You can download and Installer for the 64 bit Driver Checker here: SetupDriverChecker64.exe.
- Can the 64-bit Driver Checker be used on 32-bit Systems?
Yes it can. The 64-bit Driver Checker runs on both 32 and 64 bits systems and has drivers for both systems.
- Then why do you have a 32 bit and 64 bit Driver Checker?
To make it more complicated ;) Actually we have both for the early transition to 64 bit systems. After a while we will elimininate to old
32-bit only Driver Checker.
- Are there 64 bit drivers for Parallel Port based Cameras?
No there are not and there probably won't ever be. If you have a Parallel Port based camera you have several options:
- Use it on a 32-bit System in Native Mode or through virtualization with VMWare
- Use the EthSrv software on a 32-bit system to serve the camera to your 64-bit system
- Upgrade it to USB
- Find a used E2P Adapter on Astromart or somewhere. Unfortunately we don't sell them anymore.
- Where can I find the classic 32-bit Driver Checker?
Here is the link: SetupDriverChecker.exe.
- Does CCDOps, which is a 32 bit program, run under 64 bit versions of Windows?
Yes it does. Here is a link to the latest version: InstOps.exe
- What's the difference between the Classic 32 bits Drivers and the new 32/64 bit Drivers?
Under the Classic drivers we had a separate system level driver to boot each model camera and then an additional driver
to communicate with the booted camera. With the new 32/64 bit Drivers we have only a single system level driver
(sbigu32/64.sys) and separate firmware files to boot each model camera.
- Will 64 bit systems improve the download speeds?
Not at all. The adavantage to 64 bit systems is with memory intensive programs like Photoshop where you can allocate more the 4 GB memory to
the application. CCDOps and our cameras simply do not need anywhere near that much memory and performance will
be identical on 32 and 64 bit system.
If you have any questions please send an email to SBIG at SBIG dot COM.