CCDOPS version 5 incorporated in
CCDSoft Version 5
January 12, 2001
For some time SBIG has been soliciting suggestions from our users for improvements to CCDOPS software. It quickly became apparent to us that we needed an entirely new software package that offered much more than camera control: More and better image processing functions, better astrometry functions, ability to display multiple images, ability to autoguide throughout a color grab sequence or auto grab sequence, better calibration and autoguiding routines, etc. Because of our close association with Software Bisque over the years, we turned to them to help us write our new software. Fortunately for SBIG (and for SBIG users) it just so happened that Software Bisque was also getting ready to make some major improvements to their CCDSoft software package about the same time. We got together and decided to pool our resources and jointly produce one software package, written by Software Bisque, that will have both the improved camera control functions that we wanted in CCDOPS plus the improved image processing and analysis functions that Software Bisque wanted in CCDSOFT. The result is CCDSOft version 5.
It should be mentioned that the Beta Release does not have some of the features that we were planning to include simply due to the time contraints. We wanted to get the Beta Version out by the end of December, 2000. For instance, features that we are planning to implement in future updates include the following: Scripting capability, AO-7 support, simultaneous ST-4 autoguiding support, FWHM indicator in focus mode, Frequency Content (sharpness) indicator in focus mode as well as other features and functions.
But here is the first general Beta Release:
We would like your comments and feedback on this new release. Click on the link below if you are interested in beta testing CCDSoft version 5. The CCDSoft beta version will on be supported only on the "CCDSoftV5" eGroups newsgroup. If you have problems, questions, or requests related to CCDSoft version 5, please visit and subscribe to the CCDSoftV5 newsgroup. We really appreciate your input! Things to consider before downloading the CCDSoft beta release:
CCDSoft's Camera Control Window: Setup Tab |
Camera control Color tab for acquiring color CCD images. Take any number of LRGB images with any number of Luminance, Red, Green, and Blue channels, all while autoguiding. For example, automatically acquire the data for a series of 3 LRGB images composed of 6 L channel images, 4 R, 5 G and 10 B images. The file name of the automatically saved image contains the color channel information.
CCDSoft's Camera Control Window: Color Tab
Intuitive control of Autoguider.
Continuously autoguide while collecting images (take multiple exposures - LRGB channels, etc.).
Autoguider treated equal to Imager. The software does not impose upon you what can do with the Autoguider as compared to the Imager.
It is possible to have your autoguided images being reduced while autoguiding (useful when autoguiding on a really faint, faint, object and you need to apply a 20+ dark frames).
All of the Imager's options are accessible for Autoguiding.
Easily Take Image with Autoguider.
Easily focus the Autoguider.
CCDSoft's Camera Control Window: Autoguide
Camera control is integrated with Image Reduction "groups" (images can be reduced during acquisition post acquisition reduction is also possible).
Hold down relay buttons to move (slew) your telescope.
Camera status is always displayed on the Camera Control window and status contains detailed status descriptions.
Image Reduction groups save n number of different groups of reduction frames (bias, dark, or flat frames).
Temperature is always displayed for both the Imager and Autoguider.
Easily switch between Autoguider/Imager control.
All autoguiding functions available to Imager and all Imager functions available to Autoguider.
Easily move telescope to center your desired object (hold down buttons).
Easily move guidestar to any pixel on your CCD.
Easily Autoguide with the Imager.
Simultaneously autoguide with two cameras!
Real-time button for moving telescope! The duration depends on how long you hold down the button.
Vector-based autoguiding allows the CCD detector to be oriented at any angle during autoguiding.
Graphically view Autoguider calibration results. Excellent debugging tool.
Autoguiding is computed based on speeds for all four independent axes North, South, East and West.
Use a Filter wheel on Autoguider!
In conjunction with TheSky, the telescope's declination is automatically accounted for when calibrating Autoguider and Autoguiding.
When CCDSoft is used in conjunction with TheSky, images automatically have right ascension, declination and the object's named stamped in the FITS header.
In conjunction with TheSky, AutoSaved images automatically use the target object's name as part of the file name.
Improved menu layout.
Automatically retrieve a comparison Digitized Sky Survey image for any of your FITs images that contain the World Coordinate System.
CCDSoft version 5 becomes even more powerful when used in conjunction with TheSky Astronomy Software. Here are many of the integrated features.
The FITS header is automatically saved with the following parameters:
Telescopes current right ascension and declination.
Telescopes current altitude and azimuth.
Object Name.
Julian Day.
Acquired images are automatically saved with object name as part of the file name (for example, 0000001.HorseHeadNebula.FIT)
AutoAstrometry/Add World Coordinate System performs automated astrometry and automatically adds the World Coordinate System to the FIT header.
The telescope's motorized focuser can be adjusted from within CCDSoft.
During a slide show, images acquired by CCDSoft (for example, images that have the right ascension and declination or object name in the header) have the corresponding object found in TheSky! If TheSkys Object Information dialog box shows the Multimedia tab, a thumbnail image of the object is shown for quick and easy comparison (great for supernova searches).
TheSky is launched automatically when CCDSoft needs services provided by TheSky (for example, AutoAstrometry/Add WCS).
Slew your telescope directly from a CCDSoft image once AutoAstrometry/Add World Coordinate System has been performed. Excellent for centering. Merely right click the desired object in your image and click the Slew To" command. Centering objects has never been easier.
Differing declinations are automatically accounted for when calibrating and during Autoguiding.
Once AutoAstrometry/Add WCS is performed, click Tools | Star Chart to have an TheSky automatically generate the exact star chart (that is, a star chart that has the same date, time, location, rotation, right ascension, declination and scale) and display this star chart in CCDSoft. Great for research and discovery work.
CCDSoft's Sky Chart Feature - Crab Nebula From the DSS (left) And Matching Sky Display (right)
By simply
choosing a folder(s) of FITS images you can perform numerous types of data analysis on the
images. These functions all tap the extensive database resources of TheSky Level IV.
Perform AutoAstrometry and add World Coordinate System data to the image. Once added, equatorial coordinates of every pixel in the image is always available.
CCDSoft's AutoAstrometry Window
Create an inventory of all celestial objects on the image with x,y position and magnitude.
Perform comparative searches by aligning (sub-pixel translation and rotation) images and blinking them.
Minor Planet search function finds moving objects on a series of three or more images, even with extremely faint objects.
Supernova search function zooms to galaxies present on the image for further inspection.
Automatically generate reports in the format required by the Minor Planet Center (MPC).
Generate Light Curves (in both text and graphical form) of both Variable Stars and Minor Planets. Simply click on the various graphed points to view the corresponding image. The Minor planet position is computed by TheSky.
CCDSoft's Histogram Window (Wide)
CCDSoft's Histogram Window (Small)
Using the new Color tab in the Camera control window to acquire color images, its easily combine them. The red, green and blue channels can even acquired at different bin modes than the Luminance channel.
View and edit the FITS file headers. Add or change or delete keyword values.
FITS Header Editor
Revised: January 12, 2001 11:22:55 AM.
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