Free Class 1 CCD Upgrade
On ST-402ME, ST-7XME, ST-8XME and ST-10XME
and limited Class 1 Upgrades on STL-6303E and STL-1001E cameras
Effective September 1, 2008
1. ST Cameras
We have received some Class 1 CCDs for ST and STL cameras
although for most of these sensors (other than the KAF-0402ME) the Class 1
CCD is not generally available. So long as our supply lasts, and/or if
we are able to receive more, SBIG will offer free Class 1 CCD upgrades on the
ST-402ME, ST-7XME Std, ST-8XME, and ST-10XME. Please call to confirm availability
at the time of your order.
Based on our last published prices for Class 1 versions of the cameras, the
savings compared to the old Class 1 prices is as follows:
ST-402ME $395
ST-7XME $300
ST-8XME $1700
ST-10XME $2900
(11/6/08) NOTE: We are sold out of Class 1 CCDs
for the ST-10XME.
In addition,
with the purchase of a filter
wheel, purchasers will save another $646 in free LRGB filters, a free
H-alpha filter and a free 12V water pump. These are remarkable savings (see
tables below).
2. STL Cameras
As of the date of this notice, we have some Class 1 CCDs for the STL-6303E
camera. These
cameras include the same free filter set as the other STL cameras on special
at the moment. Please check on the availability of these upgraded STL cameras
when you place your order as we have only a few of them with the free CCD
upgrade at this time.
Purchasers do not have to purchase a CFW9 filter wheel to get the free Class 1 upgrade when you purchase a new camera during this special offer. However, if you do get the filter wheel with the camera, you still get the benefit of the existing special of free LRGB and H-alpha filters, plus a 12VDC water pump for the ST cameras, or free LRGB and H-alpha filters for STL cameras. The savings when added up amount to an incredible deal. The tables below show the savings of the Class 1 upgrade and the free accessories when taken together.
November 06, 2008 11:53:03 AM.
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