The New
Large Format Megapixel |
KAF-1001E "Blue Plus" 1024 x 1024 pixels
at 24u square |
Relative sizes of KAF-1001E and KAF-1602E |
field of view at 100 inches focal length is more |
The ST-1001E Offers: |
1. High Performance in Moderate to Large Telescopes - The ST-1001E utilizes a KAF-1001E "Blue-Plus" Enhanced CCD from Kodak. The CCD array is 1024 x 1024 at 24 microns and has the highest quantum efficiency of any KAF enhanced detector, not only in the blue but particularly in the red and infrared. In addition to high QE, the low dark current characteristic of Kodak sensors and large pixel size means that the sensitivity of this detector compares very well to similar sized backlit sensors in cameras costing more than twice as much. The imaging area of this CCD array (24.5 mm x 24.5 mm) is nearly as large as a 35mm film frame. At 100 inches focal length the detector has a field of view greater than 1/2 degree while each 24 micron pixel sees less than 2 arc seconds. This detector is ideal for supernova searches, minor planet searches, and general imaging using 10" F/10 or larger telescopes. |
2. Easy to Use - The camera head is identical in size and shape to the ST-7/8/9/10 series cameras and can be connected to virtually any PC or laptop by a standard parallel cable. No card to plug in and you are not limited to a short cable length. For remote operation from 50 to over 150 feet, all you need is a longer parallel cable. There are two significant differences between this camera and our other large chip cameras, however. Because of the large size of the imaging CCD, the TC211 tracking CCD normally used in this head design had to be removed from the camera head and the optical window had to be moved slightly toward the center of the camera body. Therefore, we are offering the ST-1001E packaged with the STV autoguider at a significant savings (see below). Long custom cables may be used for remote operation of both the autoguider and the camera. Our CFW8 and AO-7 will not fit this large format camera but third party filter wheels are available that will cover this CCD. |
3. The Latest Windows Software from Software Bisque and SBIG - includes fast focus mode, color combine and color processing, Track and Accumulate, autoguider functions and much more. There is no need to pay extra for software to make the camera perform to its maximum capabilities. |
Revised: February 24, 2003 05:00:10 PM.
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