Application Notes
SBIG is happy to make the following Application Notes and Drawings available for SBIG users and interested parties. Please feel free to download any of these documents and if there's something you don't see here let us know and we'll see if we can make it available.
The Application Notes are available in 2 formats. There is a small group of HTML files and a larger group of Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) files with some overlap. The advantage to HTML is that you can view them with the browser you're using right now. Unfortunately it takes a long time to convert the Application Notes to HTML format thus the push for the PDF versions. The advantage of Adobe Acrobat and the PDF files is that you can get free versions of Acroba t for the Macintosh, PC and some Unix workstations from Adobe and the PDF format is as close to universal as it gets. I'm sure you'll have plenty of comments about that so don't be shy and let us know!
HTML Application Notes
- Summary of CCD Classification Specs
Summary of the differences between Class 1, Class 2, etc., with links to the Kodak specification sheets
- Physical Dimensions of the AO-8
Description and links to mechanical drawings showing the dimensions of the AO-8
- Physical Dimenstions of the AO-L
This drawing shows the physical dimensions and weight of the AO-L
- Relay Box Instructions
Updated instructions for connecting the relay adapter box between your camera and telescope
- Backfocus Distance for ST-7/8/9/10/2000 cameras
This drawing shows the backfocus requirements for the ST-7/8/9/10/2000 cameras is various configurations
- Backfocus Distance for STL cameras
Mechanical drawings showing the back focus requirements for STL cameras with the standard cover and 5 position internal filter wheel
Note: If the FW8 is installed, add 0.35 inches to the distances found for the 5 position filter wheel.
- Backfocus Distance for ST-402/1603/3200 cameras
Drawing of the ST-402/1603/3200 camera showing the backfocus distance
- Backfocus Distance for Remote Guide Head (Same backfocus as ST-402, also see PDF app note below)
Download Times for STL-11000M Camera
These tables show the download times for the STL-11000M camera using varius binning modes and frame sizes
- STL Analog Board Manufacturing Defect
This note descirbes a manufacturing defect that can cause low level horizontal banding to be seen in some STL cameras
- Camera model evolution and historical data regarding the imaging CCD used in ST-2000
This note provides the meaning of the camera model letters, and includes historical data regarding the imaging CCD used in the ST-2000XM camera.
- Adjusting the ABG Level on the STL-11000M Camerara
This note describes how to adjust the antiblooming level of the STL-11000M camera.
- Tracking CCD Placement in Research Series Cameras
These drawings show the placement and dimensions of the imaging and tracking CCDs in the new large format Research Series guiding cameras.
- Tracking CCD Placement in USB Cameras (Updated with ST-7XME and TC-237)
These drawings show the placement and dimensions of the imaging and tracking CCDs in the new USB self-guiding cameras.
- Electrical Connection Diagrams
These drawings show how to make the various electrical connections for different configurations of camera, filter wheel, AO-7 and relay adapter box.
- Globtek Power Supply Recall Notice
This note descirbes a problem with some Globtek power supplies used for the ST-7/8/9/10/2000 cameras that requires return and replacement. Use of the affected supplies will damage the camera.
- USB Upgrade Manufacturing Defect
This note descirbes a manufacturing defect that causes excess frosting - how to diagnose and fix..
- SBIG USB Cameras and Macintosh computers
This note descirbes how to use SBIG USB cameras on some Mac computers.
- SBIG Color Filters
This article by Alan Holmes describes the SBIG color filter prescription and theory behind the design. It also addresses some misconceptions about color imaging astronomical objects with CCD cameras.
- CMY vs. RGB
This article explains why SBIG does not offer CMY filters for astronomical work
- STV Protocol
This note contains the STV interface protocol for custom software developers.
- Installation fix for the SBIG/Software Bisque demo CD ROM
This note describes how to fix the CCDSoft installation bug found on the CDROM demo disk
- Adjusting the CFW5C Filter Wheel Opto Sensor
This Application Note describes how to adjust the opto sensor that controls the positioning of the CFW5C filter wheel on the ST-237 and ST-5C cameras.
- Quantum Efficiencies of CCD Detectors
This Application Note shows the Quantum Efficiencies (sensitivity) of each of the CCDs used in the SBIG cameras and compares them to some other popular CCDs found in the marketplace.
- New RGB Filters Transmission Characteristics
This chart shows the transmission characteristics of the new RGB filter set which includes IR blocking on each filter. The characteristics are similar for filters used in the CFW8 and CFW5C filter wheels.
- Old RGB Filters Transmission Characteristics
This chart shows the approximate transmission characteristics of the old RGB filter set with the IR blocking filter in line.
- IR Blocking Filter Transmission Characteristics.
This chart shows the transmission characteristics of the 1.25" IR blocking filter which is used with the old RGB filter set.
- Why Self Guiding is Essential
This Article by Alan Holmes of SBIG details the importance of Self Guiding, especially with CCDs having small pixels.
- The Importance of Infrared Sensitivity
This Application Note shows the dramatic results that can be obtained when your CCD has sensitivity in the near-IR. Those pesky IR photons, you can't see 'em but you want 'em!
- Field of View and Image Size
This Application Note describes the difference between Field of View and Image Size and how they can be controlled with Focal Reducers and Software.
- Sample Images from the New ST-5C
This page shows what an $995 camera can do.
- Regenerating the ST-4 / ST-5 Desiccant
This Note, originally dated April 6, 1996, describes the procedure for regenerating the desiccant used in the ST-4, ST-4X and ST-5 cameras.
- ST-4 Version 4B ROM (More on Tracking with the ST-4)
This Note, originally dated October 10, 1990, describes the tracking capabilities of the ST-4 and has been included as a supplement to the ST-4 manual since its release. Current users should read it in conjunction with the later Version 4 ROM Upgrade note to gain some hints and tips on getting the most out of your ST-4.
- Version 4 ROM Upgrade To The ST-4 - User Instructions
This Note, originally dated November 25, 1991, describes the new features and menu options available with the version 4B ROM upgrade that is now standard in the ST-4.
- Frequently Asked Questions
A new FAQ page has been started with answers to many common questions. Please have a look and let us know if you'd like to add any question or help with any answers!
- ST-4 Command Codes
This Application Note describes the ST-4 Command code set.
- CCD Image File Format
This Application Note describes the image file format used by the CCD software on the PC and Macintosh to save images from the ST-4 camera.
- CCDOPS Version 3 New Features
This Application Note describes the new features that were added to CCDOPS Version 3.
Adobe Acrobat PDF Application Note
- Remote Guide Head Instructions and Dimensions
This note describes the Remote Guide Head with instructions for its installation and drawings showing its physical dimensions and backfocus.
- Fixing the Paddle Screw on Initial AO-8 units
This Application note describes an assembly error on initial units that can be fixed by the user on a few new AO-8 units that will prevent it from being returned to us for repair. If the AO-8 is run too long without this fix, it will need to be returned to SBIG.
- Using the FW8-STL 8-Position Filter Wheel for STL cameras with Maxim DL or CCDSoftV5
This Application Note shows you how to get the 8-positions Large Format CFW (CFW-L8) to work with CCDSoft and MaximDL.
- Vertical Streaks in Millisecond Exposures
This App Note describes how you can make adjustments to your ST-2000 or STL-11000 cameras if you re seeing vertical streaks in your millisecond type exposures.
- Column Defects and Hot Pixels
This App Note describes what is not a column defect and how to tell if you have one.
- Single Shot Color Supplement.
This App Note describes the special processing requirements of the images taken with our Single Shot Color cameras like the ST-2000XCM and STL-11000XCM.
- Relay Fix for Some ST-7/8/9/10/2000 Cameras Manufactured in Spring 2005.
This App Note describes a manufacturing defect and fix on ST-7/8/9/10/2000 cameras manufactured between February and April of 2005 where the autoguider port would intermittently activate, causing the telescope to slew, typically in -DEC.
- Autoguiding with an ST-402
This note describes how to use the ST-402ME as an autoguider with CCDOps and our new OpsAG - Autonomous Guider software.
- ST-7I and ST-9I Observing Capabilities - Research and TDI Imaging
This application note describes some special observing and scientific uses for the less expensive "I" versions the popular ST-7XME and ST-9XE cameras.
- Testing the AO-7
This application note describes the common problems found with AO-7s and shows you how you can test your AO-7 for proper operation. AO-7s are somewhat delicate mechanisms and can require adjustment by the user.
- Testing Your Mount
This application note describes the Singe Axis Mount Dynamics command in the Track menu of CCDOPS. This command exercises the mount in one axis by making a sequence of moves forward then backwards, recording the telescope position by measuring the centroid of a guide star.
- Mysterious Glow When Using Filter Wheel with ST-7/8/9/10 Cameras
This note describes an effect sometimes seen in images when using the color filter wheel and how to cure it
- USB Trigger Out
Specially modified USB cameras can produce a trigger out pulse. This is handy in industrial applications where you want to trigger an external light source, etc. This App Note describes what you need to do to enable this feature. Note your camera must have been modified by SBIG to enable this feature.
- Color Imaging
This App Note describes how to do color imaging and color merge with CCDOPS software.
- SBFITSEXT - Fits Extensions for Amatuer Astronomy
This Application Note describes the SBIGFITSEXT extensions to FITS files.
- Installing a CFW-5 in the STV
This Application Note supplements the CFW-5 manual for STV Users.
- STV Track Log Format
When the STV is in Track Mode it sends Track Log data out the serial port. This App Note describes that data.
- Cleaning the CCD cover glass
This Application Note descirbes the proper method for cleaning the CCD cover glass.
- ST-7RC and Tracking Cable Wiring
This Application Note contains a drawing of the ST-7RC connector and Tracking Cable wiring configuration.
- USB Upgrade Manufacturing Defect
This Application Note descirbes a manufacturing defect that causes excess frosting - how to diagnose and fix..
- STV Firmware Version 1.06
This note describes the changes and improvements made to STV Firmware version 1.06.
- Installing USB Drivers
This note walks you through the installation of USB drivers for SBIG cameras.
- Use and Maintenance of the Cooling Booster.
This Application Note describes the how to use and maintain the cooling booster for the ST-7E/8E/9E/10E cameras.
The cooling booster is optional for the ST-7E and ST-8E. It is standard equipmenton the ST-9E and ST-10E.
- Supporting the ST-9E Camera and Images
This Application Note describes the software interface to the ST-9E, both from the standpoint of interfacing to the camera and for reading ans writing images.
- Supporting STV Images
This Application Note describes how to support STV images created by SBIG's STV server and CCDOPS software.
- CCDOPS Image File Format
This Application Note describes the image file format used by the CCDOPS software on the PC and Macintosh to save images from the SBIG cameras (Updated 3/10/03 to include a generic SBIG format).
- CCDOPS Manual Version 4 for Windows 95 and Macintosh.
This Adobe PDF format manual describes all the new features in CCDOPS version 4.0 for Windows 95 and Macintosh. You can also buy the printed version of this from SBIG for $10.
- CCDOPS Manual Version 3.5 for DOS.
This Adobe PDF format manual describes all the new features in CCDOPS version 3.5. You can also buy the printed version of this from SBIG for $10.
- ST-4 Command Codes
This Application Note describes the ST-4 Command code set.
- ST-4/CCD PC Image File Format
This Application Note describes the image file format used by the CCD software on the PC to save images from the ST-4 camera.
- ST-4/CCD Mac Image File Format
This Application Note describes the image file format used by the CCD software on the Macintosh to save images from the ST-4 camera.
- ST-4 Version 4B ROM
This Application Note describes the the latest ST-4 ROM, Version 4B, which has enhanced functionality with Losmandy mounts.
- Universal CPU Command Codes
This Application Note describes the command code structure for the Universal CPU used in the ST-4X, ST-5 and ST-6 cameras.
- Parallel Port Driver
This Application Note describes the Parallel Port Driver for interfacing to parallel based cameras with custom PC software. You might also want to download the driver (for PC) or pardrv.hqx (for Mac) which contains sample code (PC) and a .H file and library file for including with your projects.
- Making Photometric and Astrometric Measurements
This Application Note describes how to use the CCD and CCDOPS software for making Astrometric and Photometric measurements.
- Flat Fielding Track and Accumulate Images
This Application Note describes how to flat field correct Track and Accumulate images.
- Replacing the Desiccant in the ST-6
This Application Note describes how to replace the desiccant in your ST-6 camera.
- Supporting the CFW-6A/CFW-8 in Software
This Application Note describes how to control the CFW-6A or CFW-8 motorized filter wheel in custom software.
- Hardware Interface to CFW-8
This Application Note describes the hardware interface to the CFW-8 for those users interested in interfacing the CFW-8 to non-SBIG products.
- Using an ST-6 for Drift Scan Imaging
This article, written by Glen Gombert and Matt Longmire, describes how Glen used his ST-6 for Drift Scan Imaging and describes the software he wrote to do such.
Adobe Acrobat PDF Drawings
- Large Format Camera Dimensions
These drawings show the dimensions, focal distance, and accessory plate details of the new large format cameras
- Sky Sensor 2000 Autoguider Pinouts
This drawing shows the RA and Dec pinouts for the RJ11 autoguider port on the Vixen Sky Sensor 2000 drive corrector.
- LX-5 / LX-6 Hand Controller Modifications
These schematics shows how to modify your older Meade LX-5 and LX-6 telescope hand controller to accept a tracking interface cable for attachment to SBIG cameras (click on your model). These modificaitons require some soldering skills. SBIG is not responsible for any damage to your hand controller if you attempt these modifications. Please note that your Meade Limited Lifteime Warranty may also be voided if you make these modifications yourself. If you are uncomfortable doing this yourself, or if you have another hand controller or drive corrector that does not accept direct connection to SBIG cameras, please contact Norbert Tackman, 9521 Santa Maria St., Ventura, California 93004, Tel: (805) 647 2538, Email: Norbert is an amateur astronomer (not assiciated with SBIG) who has modified many hand controllers for use with our cameras. Norbert also makes custom length serial and parallel cables.
- AO-7 Dimensions and Assembly
This three page drawing shows the dimensions of the AO-7 and the orientation when attaching to an ST-7/8 with or without a CFW-8.
- Telescope Interface Cable (TIC) Schematic
Use this schematic to make your own TIC cable for an ST-4, ST-4X, ST-5, ST-5C or ST-6 to connect to Meade, Celestron, Losmandy, Astro Physics (except the 8010) and Mountain Instruments telescope drives that use modular phone plugs for autoguider inputs.
- Relay Adapter Box Cable
Use this schematic to make your own cable for an ST-7/8 equipped with a Relay Adapter Box to connect to Losmandy, Takahashi and other mounts that will not accept direct connection to the ST-7/8. If you are not sure if you should use a relay box with your ST-7/8 please check with the mount manufacturer and SBIG. You do not need this Relay Adapter Box with LX200 telescopes.
- ST-6B Head Physical Dimensions
This drawing shows the physical dimensions of the ST-6B head including the location of the focal plane.
- ST-7/8 Head Dimensions
This drawing shows the dimensions of the ST-7/8 cameras. Note these cameras have all the electronics integrated into the head and do not have a separate CPU.
- Takahashi Hand Controller Modification.
This schematic shows the wiring schematic for modifying a Takahashi "PD-7 X/Y" drive hand controller for use with the SBIG 12 wire Relay Adapter Cable.
Custom Serial Cable.
This drawing shows how you can make a custom length serial cable for the ST-4, ST-4X, old ST-5 and all ST-6 cameras.
- Custom Parallel Cable.
This Adobe PDF format drawing shows how you can make a custom length cable for the new ST-5C, ST-7, ST-8 and all PixCel cameras.
- ST-6 Vignetting
This drawing shows the various apertures within an ST-6 that affect the vignetting of the system.
- ST-7/8 Focal Plane
This drawing shows the size and spacing of the ST-7/8 focal plane elements.
- ST-7/8 with a CFW-8
This drawing shows the dimensions of an ST-7/8 with a CFW-8 used in "direct connect" mode where the CFW-8 is attached directly to the front of the ST-7/8.
- Connecting a CFW-8 to the SBIG Cameras
This drawing shows how the CFW-8 attaches to the various SBIG cameras and the CFW-8 accessories available.
Revised: January 21, 2009 11:54:12 AM.
Copyright © 2003 Santa Barbara Instrument Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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