Application Notes

SBIG is happy to make the following Application Notes and Drawings available for SBIG users and interested parties. Please feel free to download any of these documents and if there's something you don't see here let us know and we'll see if we can make it available.

The Application Notes are available in 2 formats. There is a small group of HTML files and a larger group of Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) files with some overlap. The advantage to HTML is that you can view them with the browser you're using right now. Unfortunately it takes a long time to convert the Application Notes to HTML format thus the push for the PDF versions. The advantage of Adobe Acrobat and the PDF files is that you can get free versions of Acroba t for the Macintosh, PC and some Unix workstations from Adobe and the PDF format is as close to universal as it gets. I'm sure you'll have plenty of comments about that so don't be shy and let us know!

HTML Application Notes

Adobe Acrobat PDF Application Note

Adobe Acrobat PDF Drawings

Revised: January 21, 2009 11:54:12 AM.
Copyright © 2003 Santa Barbara Instrument Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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